Unbreakable – Travis Stoetzel
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ATTENTION! If you want to get strong, perform at your best and become a total badass, you gotta check this out…
Who Else Wants A Detailed Blueprint That Transformed Me Into A High Level Crossfit Competitor While
Forging A Chiseled, Badass Body?
Discover My Closely Guarded “C2″ Method That Guarantees In just 12 Weeks You Will Look Like A Superhero And Perform At Your Highest Level Ever!
Special Report by Travis Stoetzel CSCS, USC
Author – The UNBREKABLE BADass Blueprint
Before I get to into the in’s and out’s of my “C2” method of training, I first want to tell you a story about a guy that you may know…
It’s about a man named Todd who loved to train hard and used to be a highly competitive athlete. Todd lived for sport and trained for many many years in preparation of competition.
On game days, Todd would be filled with total excitement as his veins would run wild with pure adrenaline to compete. Game Days were days where he could show case his hard work and dedication for training, but now since there are no more game days, no more competitions, there’s a void in Todd’s life.
You see, Todd never stopped training… The love he has for lifting and training his body to stay in top shape has always been there.
That isn’t the main issue for Todd.
The main issue for Todd is that at some point, he lost the PASSION for training.
He doesn’t compete in sports any more and is confused and frustrated from all of the misinformation and hyped up BS he receives on a daily basis in regards to how he’s supposed to train…
He felt totally LOST and misguided.
Now he finds himself spending much of his time trying to figure out which “training program” is the best one for him to do.
He searches in magazines, training forums, blogs, and websites, and has even joined a few different gyms, but yet he hasn’t found a solution that’s rekindled that PASSION for training he used to have.
He’s sick and tired of looking in the mirror and not seeing the results
that he’s been busting his ass to see.
Like you, he’s consistent with his training.
Like you, he doesn’t come up with excuses…
You know the exact void that Todd feels, am I right?
In fact, let’s go ahead and switch gears here for a second and talk about YOU.
After all, it’s all about YOU anyways…
Now, the problem that most guys like you are running into these days is that you’ve lost a lot of your passion to train and it’s due to your training program (or lack there of) and the frustrations you’re having with lack of results you’re seeing…
I can guarantee you that if you’re reading this now, there’s a lack of competitiveness within your program. There’s no challenge. It’s just “show up and do this random workout”…
And for what?
Where’s the FIRE?
Where’s the Passion?
If you’re reading this now, I know “that FIRE” is in you somewhere because if it wasn’t you wouldn’t of ended up on this page, still reading this report right now trying to find a solution to your problems if it weren’t.
Am I right again?
Now, I can also bet that since you’re still reading this right now that it is because you’re bored with your training program. You’re frustrated with the lack of results you’ve seen and you’ve had enough.
I can also bet that your highly CONFUSED on what to do as there’s so many different pieces of information telling you to do ten different things.
I know how crazy it can get…
Heavy weight training works… NO! Don’t train with heavy weights, you’ll get hurt. Instead, just train with light weights, high reps and high intensity intervals… NO! Don’t do high intensity intervals or high reps, you’ll lose muscle… Train with just bodyweight… NO! You need to lift HEAVY weights to build muscle… Avoid squatting… NO! Squat HEAVY! Ass to grass! NO! Full squats will hurt your knees… NEVER do deadlifts, they hurt your back… Deadlift HEAVY at least twice a week…
And it goes on and on…
This leaves you sitting there thinking, “What the F*%K am I supposed to do? Not train at all!?”
The worst part is that the sources of training information just keep rolling in from all angles, and I know how it can get super frustrating.
It goes on and on and I can feel your anguish with being so confused and wanting to find answers.
I was there too!
In fact, I have a secret that I need to share with you…
You see, the truth is I’m Todd or at least I was until I stumbled upon what I’m about to teach you.
He’s me, YOU, and every other guy out there that at some point lost the passion for training and he wants it back…
And that’s where the “C2” method comes in.
It’s your key to feeling truly alive and UNBREAKABLE again…
Say goodbye to all the random and confusing “workouts of the day” that you’re probably doing without any rhyme or reason that are keeping you from getting the gains in strength and lean muscle that you so badly want.
You say you want to get stronger and leaner…
You say you want to be able to perform at a higher level and feel like an athlete…
You want to be done with all of the boring workouts…
But for whatever reason you seem to be just spinning your wheels, going around in circles, not getting results.
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