Spiritual Laws of Money Course – T. Harv Eker
T. Harv Eker’s Spiritual Laws of Money course is designed to help you reach all your financial goals whilst staying kind, loving, and living a beautifully rich and abundant life in all areas.
Before you read any further, I’d like you to know that I am an affiliate of Spiritual Laws of Money. I have, however, personally completed this eight week course and highly recommend it, providing you’re willing to also put in the work. This isn’t a get rich quick scheme, but it will teach you methods to become financially free whilst staying true to your core beliefs.
I finished T. Harv Eker’s Spiritual Laws of Money Course just over a month ago and after looking at my finances, I realised that in October I earnt more in a month than I had ever earned in my life. Now we’re at the end of November, I exceeded that and last week, I made more money in a day than I ever thought previously was possible in just one day. In one of my jobs in my early twenties it would have taken me a whole month to make as much money as I did in that day last week in passive income.
I’m self employed so the amount of money I make fluctuates, but I felt that it was important to highlight this, especially as I wasn’t expecting to get results so soon. Harv continuously mentions that it can take several years or longer to really grow your money, and I agree that I’ve just begun, but I have also noticed some instant results which is encouraging, as I’m about to have a baby.
Spiritual Laws of Money in a nutshell
I’ve written a lot here, but feel free to scroll to the parts that are most relevant to you. This course is essentially everything you need to know and do in order to create financial freedom and abundance in your life, whether you’re currently broke and need a way out, you want to take your business to the next level, or you just want to be able to live the fullest life possible and always have enough money to do everything you’ve always wanted to do.
***Take part in a free masterclass at a time that suits you to help you stay spiritual and experience massive success***
Why I did this course and my relationship with money
I’d like to backtrack a bit though and talk about my very first experiences of this course and my reasons for doing it.
Over the last decade or so, I’ve been on quite a journey with money. I remember my first Saturday job at 16 where I was paid £4.22 per hour. I remember all the jobs I had after this and how many long years it took in traditional employment to slowly increase my salary. And I also remember at some point after University, actually holding the belief that money was somehow awful and materialistic. I’ve come a long way when it comes to my attitude towards money.
Several years ago when I started to make the transition from being employed to self employed doing what I love (teaching yoga, blogging and running an Etsy shop), one of my goals was simply to make as much money as I did in a full time job. With the help of previous courses, books and support from those around me, I did manage to exceed this goal in a relatively short space of time.
However, I feel I owe it to myself and those around me to aim much higher, which is where Harv’s course came in. I wanted to fully understand the psychology of money, learn how to grow wealth ethically, and discover how I could use money to be of greater service to others.
There are a few drivers at play here. When I jumped headfirst into being my own boss there was a lot I hadn’t taken into consideration.
Although, I’m earning more money annually now working for myself, I’m not supported by an employer so don’t receive things like maternity leave, sick pay, pension etc. In the UK, I also have to pay more when it comes to tax and national insurance. This is why having a passive income and being financially free is so important to me. It’s not the money itself, but the freedom and opportunities that come about as a result of it.
First impressions of Spiritual Laws of Money
Whenever I start something new, I like to think that I have no preconceptions or expectations, but clearly I do, because starting this surprised me. I was listening to the first video for module one and found Harv’s voice to be really hard hitting. Perhaps I was expecting someone really softly spoken because the course has the word ‘spiritual’ in the title, but Harv’s tone is not like this at all. He’s extremely passionate and he means business!
I’m not sure what it was that I initially felt but I have a feeling others might respond in this way too. There was just something in his voice that ironically put me in the driving seat and said — you can’t just do this passively, you have to participate and take action, otherwise you’re wasting your time. He really spoke to me in a way that said you can do this, but you have to get involved — you can’t just sit, listen and do nothing.
After module one, I didn’t actually do the homework that was asked of us. I’m not sure why, but I did everything that was asked after that. It’s very difficult not to. He was actually testing everyone — the homework was so simple, just repeating a very short mantra for a few seconds a day. The point was that if you can’t commit to taking a few seconds out of your day to work on your financial situation, how are you ever going to make any significant changes?
The truth is that I needed Harv to deliver the course in this way for it to properly get through to me. I have my workbooks and the notes for each module and absolutely love Harv’s philosophy and outlook on life. He’s principled, extremely knowledgeable about meditation, and is a multi multi millionaire through businesses he’s built up from scratch himself. I have a lot of respect for him.
About T. Harv Eker
I’m going to teach you exactly how you can be a kind, loving, peaceful, balanced and spiritual person… AND get really, really rich. T. Harv Eker
Harv Eker who created the Spiritual Laws of Money course is a meditator, multi millionaire, and author of the No. 1 New York Times bestseller, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. He’s created multiple successful businesses over the years, and now dedicates his life to to helping people create financial freedom. He’s been featured in Forbes, Men’s Health, the New York Times, CNN, USA Today (to name just a few media outlets), and from my perspective, is an absolute master in combining spirituality and incredibly sound financial advice. I wish I’d learnt Harv’s teachings at school.
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