Steel Mace Vinyasa™ – Foundations Preview from Summer Huntington
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Want an Introduction to Steel Mace Vinyasa™-LVL 1 Foundations™-LVL 1 Foundations, with expert movement coach Summer Huntington?
This 7 Video mini- Steel Mace Vinyasa™ course is for YOU!
Do you want to practice mindful mobility & shoulder strengthening?
Have you been wanting to unlock the power of Steel Mace & Vinyasa in your practice?
Do you want to try out some of the videos for Steel Mace Vinyasa™ to see if it is a good fit for your training? (Try 7 videos then get the full program!)
Want to drastically improve your overall joint health, core strength & shoulder mobility?
Do you think you aren’t good at yoga? Think again!!
Steel Mace Vinyasa – LVL 1 Foundations (47 High Definition videos – Warms ups, Steel Mace Swing Mechanics, 6 Workouts, 6 Steel Mace Vinyasa™ Flows + unweighted flows )
Steel Mace Vinyasa – LVL 2 Fluidity (41 New Videos – with Warm Ups, Steel Mace Swing Mechanics+ 6 More Workouts & 6 Steel Mace Vinyasa™ Flows + unweighted flows )
Meet Coach Summer Huntington, she has been training with unconventional tools & yoga for over a decade… and owns operates two studios featuring these modalities.
“With over 20,000 hours of movement coaching experience, I have seen similar compensatory patterns develop in the modern human. We tend to become chair shaped or cell phone shaped, with tight upper back & shoulders combined with chronically tight hips.
The average person knows that they would benefit from yoga, but for various reasons it gets put on the back burner. People may find yoga boring, confusing with Sanskrit terms, and overall unaccessible due to mobility issues and old injuries. Steel Mace Vinyasa™ is a comprehensive program addressing strength, stability and grace – fit for absolutely any-BODY. Come visit my studio, Flow Shala, and you will see all shapes, sizes, ages and fitness levels practicing together.
As humans we tend to prioritize our work and our families first, and then whatever is left over may or may not go to self care. With the epidemic of stress related dis-ease, we need more conscious coaching that challenges our spatial awareness, our mental fortitude and helps us tap into what is known as Flow State
It is well documented in the research that Flow state is the most healing place for the human mind to make long term sustainable behavioral change. But, most people don’t know how to elicit that effect on their own in their movement practice. Until Steel Mace Vinyasa™…”
-Coach Summer (owner of
This Mini- Course has a sample of 7 of the videos from a larger program called Steel Mace Vinyasa™-Lvl 1 Foundations™-Lvl 1 Foundations. The next program is so vast – it will actually be released in 2 full online courses –
Steel Mace Vinyasa – LVL 1 Foundations (47 High Definition videos – Warms ups, Steel Mace Swing Mechanics, 6 Workouts, 6 Steel Mace Vinyasa™ Flows + unweighted flows )
Steel Mace Vinyasa – LVL 2 Fluidity (41 New Videos – with Warm Ups, Steel Mace Swing Mechanics+ 6 More Workouts & 6 Steel Mace Vinyasa™ Flows + unweighted flows )
If you are curious about what Steel Mace Vinyasa™ is all about, this course is plenty to get you started. Any-BODY can access Flow State, when given the right tools. Steel Mace Vinyasa™ is for everyday people who crave conscious movement, health & vitality and healthy posture.
The Steel Mace is an ancient tool, and Yoga an ancient practice.
Steel Mace Vinyasa™ is the union of modern biomechanics, mobility education & yoga. This FREE mini Steel Mace Vinyasa™ course includes the basics of using a 7lb or 5lb Mace for core stability, shoulder health and full body mobility. Take advantage of this RAD course, for absolutely free.
If you are wondering when the full Steel Mace Vinyasa Foundations + Steel Mace Vinyasa Fluidity full online courses will be released, get this FREE mini-course and you’ll be the first to know.
Curious about attending the very first Steel Mace Seminars at Flow Shala?
Want to book a Steel Mace Vinyasa Workshop or seminar?
All info at really really soon!!
About Author:
Summer Huntington holds a Masters in Kinesiology, an advanced 500 Hour Yoga Teacher training and has over 20,000 hours of movement coaching experience. She founded a comprehensive strength & yoga curriculum in 2011, and has taught her seminars globally. Summer is an expert in both Flow psychological applications as well as training applications, and specializes in mobility education. Her thesis examined Worksite Wellness interventions, and she continues to consult privately for Corporate Wellness clients, as well as in her signature Flow State of Mind Coaching. She owns and operates two local fitness studios, an online studio and a leads a team of wellness professionals, all in Flow.
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1. After payment, you will instant receive a link from our PRIVATE server to download all the content from the course (videos, audios, docs, pdf, screenshots, etc.)
2. You only need to click on the link, and you will have access to an online folder with the content of the course. You can download the whole course as a zip file or you can choose a specific file to download.