Programming for Hypertrophy by Lifting Lyceum
Training and Programming for Hypertrophy
What causes hypertrophy? We’ll talk about tension, damage, and metabolic stress.
How important is volume for building muscle?
How do you find the right amount of volume for YOU?
Is sarcoplasmic hypertrophy real?
Should you train to failure?
Is whole body or body part split training better for muscle growth?
About Greg Nuckols
Greg Nuckols is the owner and founder of, a website dedicated to combining lifting advice with biomechanics and scientific theory. More than 250,000 people visit and learn from Strengtheory articles each month. Greg is very tapped into what questions people have and what information is often misconstrued. Practicing what he preaches, Greg has held 3 all-time world records in powerlifting. His current numbers are a 755lb. squat, 475lb. bench, and 725lb. deadlift.
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