Pandit Rajmani Tigunait – Tantra Unveiled: Seducing the Forces of Matter and Spirit
the revealed Antra is an essential reading for those who want to live the essence of tantra — practice spirituality while experiencing a rich outer life. This powerful book describes authentic tantra, what distinguishes tantra from other spiritual paths, and how the tantric path combines hatha yoga, meditation, visualization, Ayurveda and other disciplines. In this breathtaking presentation, Pandit Tigunait takes you back to ancient times by sharing his experiences with the tantric masters and techniques they taught him.
about the authorPandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D., is a contemporary master and a living connection to the unbreakable Himalayan tradition. He is the successor of Sri Swami Rama, Himalayan yogic master and founder of the Himalayan Institute. As the leading voice of and author of 15 books, Pandit Tigunait offers practical guidelines for applying yogic and tantric wisdom in modern life. Over the past 35 years, he has come into contact with countless lives around the world as a teacher, humanist and spiritual visionary leader.
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