The Way of the Spiritual Warrior from Matthew Fox
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Liberate the Spiritual Warrior within you to experience authentic relationships, be an effective catalyst for change, and fulfill your life’s purpose.
Embody qualities of both the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine so you can act with an open heart, embrace uncertainty, and speak your truth with courage and conviction.
— Matthew Fox
Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Aquinas, Teresa of Avila…
These mystics are powerful expressions of the Divine Feminine — embodying an inner source of creation that is transformative and holy.
They are equally powerful expressions of the Sacred Masculine…
In fact, it’s impossible to fully express the Divine Feminine without also being grounded in the Sacred Masculine; these two energies coexist, as two parts of an interconnected whole, in perfect, inseparable union. Together, they’re expressions of God, Spirit, the Beloved, the One.
The Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine united are the mystic, prophet and lover — reverent protector acting on behalf of others and the planet.
Redefining the Masculine: Strength & Confidence for Enduring a Dark Night of the Soul
As a spiritual seeker, you may have been focusing on accessing or cultivating the Divine Feminine within you. Yet to act, to manifest and to truly create the change we so desperately need at this time, we are all (women and men) being called to embrace the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine within us — to become Spiritual Warriors in our communities and our world.
Many spiritual leaders and mystics are calling this time a “Dark Night of the Soul” for all humanity. You may be personally experiencing profound challenges in your own life and relationships, or in attempting to manifest your highest calling and transform old ways of thinking, doing and being.
In these uncertain times, and with all the creative energy that change stirs within us, it takes strong energy to stay focused and act with courage and confidence.
This kind of strength is often drawn from the Sacred Masculine, yet many of us have been exposed to an unhealthy, toxic masculinity that reinforces oppressive, damaging patriarchal systems.
During these times we do not need soldiers, we need warriors… Spiritual Warriors whose orders come from the soul, not an external commander. A soldier delivers or falls in pain, but a warrior does everything with love, facing pain head on.
Matthew Fox, an internationally acclaimed spiritual theologian, episcopal priest and activist, explains that the Sacred Masculine (and therefore the Spiritual Warrior) is largely unacknowledged and unexpressed “because Western culture is still dualistic and values thinking over feeling, material wealth over spiritual growth, scientific fact over intuitive knowledge, men over women, and heterosexul over homosexual.”
The answer to this separation is in the union of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine — as expressed through the archetype of the Spiritual Warrior.
The qualities of the Spiritual Warrior are essential for navigating the complexities of modern life, standing confidently in your truth, and championing changes that are needed in your relationships, work life and society.
To embody these qualities is to act with an open heart, channel anger effectively, and to be willing to “go to the edge” spiritually to benefit your own and others’ growth.
The Spiritual Warrior is an expression of the inner Sacred Masculine and the Divine Feminine… truthful and present, peaceful and purposeful, courageous and bold.
And as you’ll see below, it’s important to open up not just to the Spiritual Warrior, but to all the Sacred Masculine archetypes.
Authentic Sacred Masculine Archetypes
Matthew has identified 10 archetypes for authentic, healthy expressions of the Sacred Masculine…
These archetypes are metaphors, showing us the way and guiding us into deeper relationship with ourselves, others and the world around us. They’re found among Indigenous and ancient cultures all over the world, and among many religions, from the people of the Bible to Jews to Christians to Muslims and more. They’re also closely aligned, and their power is harnessed within each of the chakras.
Father Sky, an ancient archetype for naming the Sacred or Divine Masculine, is a call to relate to the wonders of the universe. Father Sky is as intimate as it is vast — it’s the air we breathe and it’s the ongoing creative, evolutionary process (with new stars being born every 15 seconds!). Yet the modern era has shut down Father Sky, leaving men and women with no place to invest their sky-sized hearts and souls.
The archetype representing Oneness with the Earth is the Green Man. The Green Man symbolizes our relationship to the plant world and our connection to all living things. Similar to Father Sky, it is a symbol of generativity and creation of all things on Earth. At this time of great environmental peril, the Green Man and Green Woman are critical archetypes for us to rediscover and embody, as Warriors defending Mother Earth.
When we honor the Green Man archetype, we hold in common what we have with the plant world. When we honor our powers of lovemaking (Masculine Sexuality Archetype), we honor our creative and generative nature, vital to our existence. And when we honor our Cosmic and Animal Bodies, we honor our human bodies, the power of our wondrous minds and our connection to all of humanity.
It’s also important that we get in touch with our anger and moral indignation. When we feel “kicked” by injustice, our anger is triggered. We decry anger as a sin, but anger can also serve as the fire that keeps us going and fighting for what’s right.
We want to tap into our anger — our non-violent anger. We don’t want to sit on it, we want to “employ” and direct and harness it. We want to use the energy of our lower chakras to transform the challenges we face. We want to use this energy of the healthy Spiritual Warrior in us, to heal and deliver the social and environmental justice being called for at this time.
In this virtual course with Matthew, you’ll discover exactly how to access and embody each archetype of the Sacred Masculine, regardless of your gender. You’ll discover how to overcome any blocks so that you can fully embrace these archetypes in every area of your life.
Greater Connection Through Live Streaming Video
As a special addition to this course, Matthew will be live streaming video of his teaching sessions so you can enjoy an even more powerful connection and transmission. This live video connection will be easy to use and will greatly increase your learning and transformation.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
Course sessions are on Thursdays at Noon Pacific.
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Matthew will guide you through the fundamental principles and qualities of Spiritual Warriorship. Each weekly LIVE contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the preceding sessions. You’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles that will enable you to unite within you the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine and fully activate your gifts in service to the world.
Module 1: Defining the Spiritual Warrior (September 7)
The Sufi Mystic Hafiz celebrates the Spiritual Warrior who sticks around during the dark periods of our lives or in our culture known as the Dark Night of the Soul (and what we may also call the “Dark Night of Our Species”). A warrior does not run away, go into denial, or commit to addictions.
In this first session, you’ll explore Hafiz’s teachings and those of Meister Eckhart, Joanna Macy and others who speak to developing the mystic warrior or prophet who, as Rabbi Heschel teaches, is not afraid to “interfere.”
You’ll discover:
- What the mystical traditions teach about the Dark Night
- The value of the Dark Night when you can face it wisely
- The archetype of the Spiritual Warrior, and your capacity to develop this inner strength and courage
- How teachings from the mystic Meister Eckhart and the Buddhist teacher Joanna Macy can support cultivation of the Spiritual Warrior
Module 2: Sources of the Sacred Masculine (September 14)
Father Sky, the Green Man, Blue Man, Hunter Gatherer and other archetypes rarely addressed in a patriarchal society are actually “spiritual springs” that can nourish a healthy and sacred masculinity. Defining masculinity in terms of the reptilian brain (being number one and dominating others) rather than in terms of cooperation, serves empires but not the planet nor deepening human relationships, which is one of the gifts of the Sacred Masculine.
You’ll discover:
- The deepening of the Sacred Masculine archetype of Father Sky
- The deepening of the Sacred Masculine archetype of the Green Man
- The deepening of the Sacred Masculine archetype of the Blue Man
- The deepening of the Sacred Masculine archetype of the Hunter Gatherer
- Practices to develop these archetypes in yourself and with others
Module 3: The Inner Mystic
Your Foundation of the Sacred Masculine (September 21)
Hafiz teaches that one becomes a sacred warrior “only if you and God become sweet lovers.” This means a warrior must be a mystic, for the mystic in us is a lover. A lover of earth, life, animals, beauty, health, children, people not yet born, poems and music and all the rest of creation. How do the mystic poets lead us to this kind of love?
Here, we call on mystics such as Mary Oliver, Thomas Merton, Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Berry and others who light the fire of mysticism within us all. This awakening of eros is at the heart of the return of the Sacred Masculine.
You’ll discover:
- How we are all mystics and how YOU can deepen your mysticism
- Teachings of contemporary mystics that can ignite your inner mystic
- Teachings of pre-modern mystics that can affirm and deepen your own mysticism
- The return of the Sacred Masculine as the prerequisite of a mystical awakening
Module 4: The Sacred Marriage of the Divine Feminine & Sacred Masculine (September 28)
Theologians Dorothy Soelle and Father Bede Griffiths identify mysticism with the Divine Feminine. Exploring the Divine Feminine provides a bridge to the Sacred Masculine.
In this session, Matthew will guide you to consider Meister Eckhart and Adrienne Rich; Julian of Norwich and M.C. Richards; the Wild Woman as practiced by Clarissa Pinkola Estes and Hildegard of Bingen; the marriage of the Green Man and the Black Madonna; and other mystics and myths.
You’ll discover:
- Why wise people teach that the return of the Divine Feminine spells also the return of mysticism
- How women poets and philosophers such as Adrienne Rich and M.C. Richards awaken within us the meaning of a deep feminism
- Meister Eckhart and Thomas Merton’s teachings of the Divine Feminine
- How to engage in the Sacred Marriage of the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine
Module 5: Taking on Powers of Evil (October 5)
Religion in the West has oversold sin, requiring a new language for understanding and debating in greater depth the presence of evil in our lives and society. Psychologist M. Scott Peck said that our language about evil is at a mere “primitive” stage.
In Matthew Fox’s book on evil, Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh: Transforming Evil in Soul and Society, he proposes a new language born of marrying Eastern teachings about the seven chakras with Western teachings about the seven capital sins. In the foreward to this book, Deepak Chopra calls evil, “the number one spiritual issue for the 21st century.”
Developing your powers of the Sacred Masculine along with the energy of the Divine Feminine can prepare you to face evil and do something constructive about it.
You’ll discover:
- A new language taken from East and West to discuss and debate evil
- How the 7 chakras of the East correspond to power places in your body and psyche
- How the 7 capital sins of the West correspond to the chakras when they are off-center
- How sin is different from evil but opens the door to it
- How you can stand strong against powers of evil in society and in self
Module 6: Creativity
Where the Divine & the Human Meet (October 12) (Pre-recorded)
Pre-modern thinkers and mystics like Thomas Aquinas, Hildegard of Bingen and Meister Eckhart instruct us that we co-create with the spirit of creation. Today’s anthropology operates on the assumption that the very definition of a human being is a “bi-ped who makes things.”
Is society putting creativity first in our educational and religious communities? Why not? What’s holding us back? How can human creativity heal and deal with the great problems facing our species today? Where does our creativity come from? How do we reconnect to it? How do we release that creativity? How do we move from disempowerment to empowerment?
You’ll discover:
- Sources of your creativity
- How your creativity (developing the Blue Man within you) is, as the mystics teach, a de facto an experience of Spirit
- How your creativity can be utilized for good or for evil
- Ways to unleash your creativity and move from disempowerment to empowerment
Module 7: The Recovery of the Sacred & Return of Hope
(October 19)
Hope is not optimism; it’s hard work, both inner and outer — work that confronts injustice and evil in and around us.
This work demands the recovery of the sacred in which you exist and move. It requires that you fully enliven the mystic within, nourishing your inner warrior or prophet… and it requires the Sacred Marriage of the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine within a cosmology that arouses awe and wonder.
In this final session, you’ll explore modern prophets Naomi Klein, Scott Sanders, Howard Thurman, Thomas Berry, Joanna Macy and others who bring hope alive, and who have themselves developed the Spiritual Warrior in deep and useful ways.
You’ll discover:
- How to recover a sense of the sacred
- Why despair and denial don’t have the last word even in times of darkness
- How mystic-warriors and prophets of our day such as Naomi Klein and Scott Sanders, Howard Thurman and Joanna Macy and others are urging us on
- Teachings of these prophets that interfere with despair, denial and addictions
- How David Orr’s “sleeves-rolled-up” definition of hope can awaken the Sacred Masculine, connected anew to the Divine Feminine in life and practice
About Author:
Matthew Fox is a prolific author of books that are renewing the ancient tradition of Creation Spirituality. This tradition is feminist, welcoming of the arts and artists, wisdom-centered, prophetic, and caring about eco-justice, social justice, and gender justice. Fox’s effort to reawaken the West to its own mystical tradition has included revivifying awareness of Hildegard of Bingen, Meister Eckhart and the mysticism of Thomas Aquinas, as well as interacting with contemporary scientists who are also mystics. He believes that “by reinventing work, education and worship, we can bring about a nonviolent revolution on our planet,” and has committed himself to this vision for many years, most recently by setting out 95 theses for a new reformation of Christianity.
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