Note Investing Made Easier – Martin Saenz
How to make a great living in residential real estate – without ever buying a property
From the Author of the #1 Bestselling Book
Martin Saenz and his wife Ruth added distressed mortgage notes to their portfolio of residential and commercial real estate investments several years ago and have been averaging a 30%+ ROI ever since.
In this course Martin thoroughly explains his meticulous, systematic approach to this unique marketplace and explains how anyone can:
- Learn how and where to purchase distressed mortgage notes
- Make your money up-front: when you buy the notes
- Create a team of peers and vendors to support your success
- Turn a non-performing note into a profit machine
- Manage your portfolio for maximum success
- Partner to profit without getting your hands dirty
If you have ever considered investing in distressed mortgages but were put off by the steep learning curve, this is the course for you!
Interview with Previous Student of Martin Saenz’ Online Course
Beginning note investor, Randall Bal of Sacramento, California, discusses his experience taking the Note Investing Made Easier workshop online.
Class Curriculum
Section 1 – Mortgage Note Sourcing
- Module 1: Getting Started (17:10)
- Module 2: Building Your Profile (27:36)
- Module 3: Social Media (44:17)
- Module 3: Addendum for Sourcing Cycle of Life (23:17)
- Module 4: Massive Action Plan (MAP) (7:34)
Section 2 – Due Diligence
- Module 5: Getting Started (22:20)
- Module 6: Let’s Look At A Deal (2:25)
- Module 7: Round One of Due Diligence (22:31)
- Module 8: Round 2 of Due Diligence (32:06)
- Module 9: Round Three of Due Diligence (28:23)
Section 3 – Workouts – Achieving Exit Strategy Goals
- Module 10: Goal Setting and Getting Started (49:19)
- Module 12: Loan Servicing and Workout (19:59)
- Module 13: Borrower Workout (20:12)
- Module 14: Exit Strategy Options (6:58)
Section 4 – Portfolio Management
- Module 15: LLC vs Self-Directed IRA (16:21)
- Module 16: Bookkeeping and Remittance Reports (22:26)
Section 5 – Case Studies
- Case Study 1: Dayton, Ohio (14:54)
- Case Study 2: Palm Bay, Florida (15:35)
- Case Study 3: Mount Pleasant, South Carolina (12:55)
- Case Study 4: Euclid, Ohio (11:08)
- Case Study 5: Pompano Beach, Florida (15:38)
The Course Is Available For Immediate Download
All These Courses Are Instant Delivery Using Our Private Server (, Google Drive)
- Instant Access
- Easy fast One-Click download
- No wait times and DON’T need premium accounts
- The courses are up to date and will receive ALL the updates from the creators
1. After payment, you will instant receive a link from our PRIVATE server to download all the content from the course (videos, audios, docs, pdf, screenshots, etc.)
2. You only need to click on the link, and you will have access to an online folder with the content of the course. You can download the whole course as a zip file or you can choose a specific file to download.