Perjalanan Manasik Haji from Maaz Sallim
8 videos, each video only 2 minutes
Contains only 8 videos divided by travel, so that it is easier to remember along with visuals and visuals that can facilitate understanding.
Hidayat Ismail
Ustaz Hidayat Ismail Islam holds a bachelor in education from Ummul Qura’ University, Makkah. He is currently the head of Islamic education at and is also active in missionary work in mosques all over the country.
He is one of the lecturer at Az-Zuhri Institution and a former student of Madrasah Aljunied where he once studied specifically with Ustaz Afandi Ahmad.
About Author:
Ustaz Hidayat Ismail Islam holds a bachelor in education from Ummul Qura’ University, Makkah. He is currently the head of Islamic education at and is also active in missionary work in mosques all over the country. He is one of the lecturer at Az-Zuhri Institution and a former student of Madrasah Aljunied where he once studied specifically with Ustaz Afandi Ahmad.
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