Print Bubble Video Course + Your Own Online Shop + Print On Demand = Magic! by Kristie Chiles
– Sale page –
Hi there, my name is Kristie Chiles and thank you for stopping by my Teachable School. Welcome!
Are you tired of wondering what sells on people’s shops?
Maybe you have a ™Shopify store, or ™Etsy store, or your own e-commerce website but your sales are dismal?
As of now, 325 students have enrolled in our Print on Demand + Etsy = Magic Course and are loving it.
Is it because we have so many testimonials of “I Got My First Sale” from them? Yep!
Note: The term ‘Etsy’ is a trademark of Etsy, Inc. This course describes how to use the Etsy Platform to sell physical products, but is not endorsed or certified by Etsy.
My Story:
A few years ago when I was going through a really difficult divorce, I had lots of time on my hands late at night. I had a dream to work online from my laptop anywhere my future would take me…knowing that one day my teen-aged children would have lives and children of their own.Plus, after working in stuffy law offices and then teaching school for a short time, I knew two things: I loved to teach. I wanted to teach online.
That’s when I began in earnest, although in reality I had been searching for months to find something “that worked” online.I had a few sales here and there, but I wanted MORE. I wanted a full-time income. Now, lots of events transpired between then and now, but it eventually led me to Print on Demand and Etsy.
My daughter-in-law had a huge impact on my life a couple of years ago. She is also a teacher and was expecting our third grandchild and desperately longed to stay home with the baby. Her Etsy shop had begun to pick up momentum, and I was amazed at her progress. Her sales would trickle in one here and one there, but when she began to see up to 10 sales a DAY, I sat up and took notice. Every time I was with her, her cell phone was doing that cash register sound each time she got a sale.
Cha-Ching! Cha-Ching!
And get this, it was all from ONE item that she customized…one item!
I began to study Etsy and soon discovered that Etsy, like Google and Youtube, is a search engine within itself. More importantly, I began to realize that Etsy is a great place to set up an online shop, because it is a buyer’s market.
Unlike Google where people go to search for general items, unless you are promoting a SPECIFIC product, Etsy is where mostly women (including me), go to BUY. And we do it weekly. So, I began to apply the keyword techniques I had already learned ranking videos and websites on Google to my Etsy shop and I began to increase my sales.
It has been a wild ride learning what sells and what doesn’t.
Unlike Britt’s shop, my sales have come from a variety of items and a myriad of different niches. So, you may be thinking, how do I know what to sell on Etsy? The answer is: You have to research and test. You need some free tools for that that tell you WHAT is selling today. You will see those in the course. These keyword tools tell you how many people a month are looking for that particular item. Then, you take those keywords and go into Etsy to check out your competition. Each time I do this, it’s amazing. I discover MORE niches than I could handle in a lifetime.
However, most people open their shops and close them. And most of the Etsy shops make very few sales, or not enough to stay open. I began to realize that there are a few topics that people regularly buy from, and I’m enjoying teaching what I’ve discovered.
I’ve put together a step-step video training course to show you how all of this works, and fits together.
Come and join us. When you enroll, I also offer complimentary Coaching for 90 days (or unless I get swamped it will be for at least 30 days), to hold your hand and guide you through setting up your shop.
Just click the Enroll Me button and we’ll get this party ed – Kristie
Tip #1: You’ll see the exact details to set up your Etsy Shop in 1 night.
Tip #2: Discover how to find a winning niche within minutes.
Tip #3: Next, you’ll be able to see exactly How to Take A Gorgeous Design already done-for-you, upload it to a Print on Demand Company, and Create Your First Etsy Listing To Sell that you NEVER have to touch or mail.
You may be wondering
Q: Once I get an order, what is next?
A: You simply login to the company I show you, select the item, put in the customer’s name and address and hit ORDER.
Q: How do I get paid?
A: Etsy deposits the amount of purchase straight into your bank account within 24 hrs.
Q: Why is Etsy better than your own website?
A: As a beginner, you need an online shop where people are already buying.
Q: Do I need a PC or Mac?
A: You can do this on any device.
Q: What if other people buy the same design I do? Won’t there be the same tshirts, mugs and other items?
A: You will see how to make your listing “unique” with your own keywords, and description. This is not a problem.
Q: What if all the really GOOD niches are taken?
A: There are thousands of niches, it could never be saturated. There is plenty of room for YOUR Etsy Shop!
Q: But I already have an Etsy Shop and it has handmade items.
A: Perfect! Then, you have a head-. Now, you can ADD print on demand items to your shop, and Etsy approves!
Wait! Before you keep scrolling answer me this?
Would it be nice to have some part-time income for the month?
Are you tired of wondering what sells on people’s shops? Maybe you have a Shopify store, or Etsy store, or your own e-commerce website but your sales are dismal?
Over 363 students have enrolled in our Print on Demand + Etsy = Magic Course and are loving it. Is it because we have so many testimonials of “I Got My First Sale” from them? Yep!
Gary: 7/4/2018 – I made my first Etsy sale!
Evelyn: 7/4/2018 – I just made my second sale and it was a custom order.
Patsy: 7/3/2018 – I have 4 sales total.
Tony: 6/27/2018 – I am up to 104 sales. This is the kick in the butt I needed!
When I first opened up my Etsy shop, I believed numerous theories by Etsy “Gurus” and blogs. I read for hours on end looking for the truth.
I was told that I had to hand-make the items myself (that is no longer true, you can actually order your products to be drop- shipped straight to your customer).
I was told I had to wait to get my Etsy shop listings viewed organically (I now know how to speed this up with one penny per view).
I was told I had to beg friends and family for sales and reviews to look legit. (I only have 3 reviews and get great rankings for my listings.)
I was told I had to pay Google big sums of money to get my items seen and sold
(not so, grasshopper, not so, I get FREE traffic from Google).
I was told I needed to get thousands of views before I made sales. (nope!)
I thought I might need hundreds of listings before I made my first sale (oh SO not true, some shops make a full-time income with just ONE item).
Heck, I may as well have been told that the mysterious Bigfoot existed, and he was walking around in my hometown!
Yes, I was completely bamboozled by all the information floating around online in weird bits and pieces.
Almost everything I thought was TRUE, was not. (oh my!)
Many times what I read was pure theory, and was from someone who was operating in the dark, of what truly works with Etsy.
Other times, their intentions were to sell you an expensive software, or services that did those so-called necessary tasks for you (e.g., they’d sell you expensive online store fronts that costs you hundreds of dollars adding this app to chase down your “abandoned cart” or this app that costs you more each month (sheesh! ain’t nobody got time for that!)
In either case, I wandered around the internet for FAR too long, and I spent WAY too much money on the wrong things.
Had I not have found the right path to Etsy shop success, I wouldn’t be here today to offer you my advice and mentorship.
And had I not discovered the strategies that work, I wouldn’t dare create another Etsy course and feed you a bunch of mere “theory.”
The course I’m releasing today is the result of all my blood, sweat and tears in my Etsy shop that grows in popularity every day and goes WAY beyond any training I’ve offered to date.
It’s the roadmap I never had when I first ed, and the system that would’ve made me a successful Etsy shop owner WAY before I actually became one.
Not a single secret is spared–
All you have to do is follow along, work through the course, and get your
Etsy shop up and running TONIGHT.
I guarantee it’s been that simple for me and others to set up shop, and
pack your brand new Etsy virtual “shelves” with 100 items in 90 days,if you list
one or two a night ing NOW.
And if you’re ever stuck, the built-in Coaching feature will get you in touch with me daily, and I will be right there to help you.
But look, I don’t want to tease you anymore about this video course that goes way beyond anything you have ever seen from me yet…
Doors have now opened to this Video Course
(which includes PERSONAL COACHING for the 3 months by me)
($1000/mo Value)
so hurry in as this Special price could go up very soon.
I’ll just leave you with this cool little quote I like:
“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do.”
Kristie, 19 Products and one month later, got my first sale.
Thank you.
– Ron
I have two Etsy Shops, one has made 197 Sales and the other is growing daily.
Hit The Enroll Button and Let’s Get Your Shop Online in 60 minutes!
Bonus Gift: 90 Days Free Coaching inside our Exclusive
Member’s Only site where you can ask me questions under
each module as you go along, so you won’t get STUCK.
Print Bubble Video Course + Your Own Online Shop + Print On Demand = Magic!
Course Curriculum
Welcome & Sneak Peek Preview
First Things First (5:04)
When you complete ALL the modules you will get a Certificate
If You Already Have An Etsy Shop?
Need Some Great Ideas?
Why Etsy Marketplace? Examples of Shops Making Hundreds of Sales Per Day (Totally Inspirational When You Just Don’t Feel Like it?) (9:18)
Etsy Will Show You What Is Trending and Making The Most Sales
Birthday Fun On Etsy! (11:34)
50 Great Hobbies To Get Ideas For Mugs, Tshirts & Pillow Cases
Amazing, Gorgeous Graphics (1 FREE every Wednesday) to get you totally INSPIRED!
Let’s With the About Me Section in Etsy
About Me Section and How To Add A Welcome Video Part 1
About Me Section and How To Add A Welcome Video Part 2
About Me – Part 3 – Set Up Manufacturer in 5 Minutes
How To Create Sections For Your Listings (1:39)
How To Upload Your Etsy Shop Cover & Where To Have It Created for $5 (2:23)
How To Choose & Manage 4 Top Listings To Feature At The Top of Your Shop (1:52)
Where Do You Get Your PNGS Images?
PNG Images You Can Buy – Amazing Resources Mentioned In MasterClass (8:06)
Etsy Shops Where I Buy My Images – My Personal FAVS List
Valentine PNGs I found on Etsy for Cheap!
Commercial Rights Etsy Seller With Gorgeous PNGS!
How To Create WORDS ONLY PNG Text Design Yourself & Create a New Etsy Listing
Watch This Video To Create WORDS ONLY PNG That SELL (23:47)
Funny One-Liners That You Can Pop On A Coffee Mug or Silly Tshirt
How to upload Create Text & Image Designs INSIDE of Printful
How To Edit An Image You Purchased With A Free Photo Image You Purchased
How To Create Your Etsy Shop Icon
How To Create Your Etsy Shop Photo With Picmonkey (3:43)
Hire My Favorite Etsy Fiverr Gig for $5 Bucks
Let’s Get ed!
Let’s Pick A Niche!
Let’s Do That Magic Keyword Research (9:36)
Let’s Set Up A New Etsy Niche-Specific Shop
Let’s Set Up Your Shop Name and Details
Before We List Our First Item, Let’s Buy A PNG for a 6 YR Old’s Tshirt
Let’s Set Up Our First Printful Listing In Etsy
Must-Do Keyword Research and Promoted Listings (24:31)
Let’s Create Our Listing Inside Printful 1 & 2 (Shipping & Free Shipping) Woohoo! (6:53)
How To Make Your Etsy Listings POP & SIZZLE!
Last Step – Add Your Billing Information and Let’s Open Your New Shop!
When You Hit A Bump in the Road…Keep Going!
Let’s Put The Finishing Touches on Your New Listing From Printful To Etsy
Let’s Add A Gorgeous Mock-Up Pic
After Your Etsy Shop Is Ready, Sign Up To This Print on Demand Website
How do I connect my Etsy store to my Printify account?
How Does Printful Work? Watch This Video
Watch These Videos to Connect Your Etsy Shop To Printful
From A-Z – Create TShirts in Printful and Etsy! + Mockups, Listing, Sales & Notifications
Let’s Create A Tshirt in Printful and Upload it To Etsy! Yippee! (22:04)
How To Copy Your Etsy Listing To Save You Time
How To Copy Your Etsy Listing To Save You Tons of Time!
HOT Tips To Remember and To Return To Each Week
How To Use Picmonkey To Create A New Listing From A Copy in 10 Minutes or Less! (12:50)
How to Create A Text Image With Free Software?
Social Proof is AMAZING…watch it in action HERE
Other People WANT This! (4:27)
Tidy Up Your Shop Images For More Credibility = More Sales
Tidy & Professional Images = More Sales…Here’s How! (5:58)
Use THIS To Get Your Listings Seen As FRESH Again In Etsy’s Search
Use This Secret Ninja Tactic To Make Your Listings FRESH as the 1st Day (2:38)
How To Renew Your Listings For A Sales Booster and a Hot Etsy Site to Automate This (7:08)
Free Advertising That Etsy Offers YOU – Turn this ON
Turn this ON inside your Shop Settings
Let’s Take It To The Next Level – Who is my Ideal Customer?
Let’s Find Out Where THOUSANDS of people are spending money? (17:02)
I Made A Sale! Now what do I do next?
Send a quick Conversation with Coupon & Later Mark It Paid with Tracking No. (3:53)
How To Multiply Your Sales (9:32)
How do I Add a Name on An Item (Customize It) and Then Order It? (9:52)
When You Make A Sale, Do This!
❤️How To Add A Custom Gift Note or Message To Your Printful Order
Won’t everyone be selling the same mugs?
If I Buy One of the Graphic Bundles, do they sell on Coffee Mugs?
Does It Matter How Old The Graphics Are?
Do You Just Copy and Paste The Graphics? How does this work exactly? (4:43)
When I Upload My Image Into Etsy it is Too BIG?
If I’m not in the U.S., what currency should I use for my shop?
Etsy won’t let me save as DRAFT?
How long does Free Coaching last?
What are Etsy Fees?
How Do I Get More Reviews on Etsy?
Why I Chose Etsy Over Amazon?
How To Get Your First Sale?
Printful sent me an email?
Bonus Package Information
Bonus PDF How To Get Your Listings Seen More – Etsy SEO
Bonus: Etsy Shop PNG Graphics (Unbelievable Bargain!)
{BONUS} Workshop Easy Online Shop (We’ll use Etsy) + Print On Demand Company = Magic
Outline – What You Will See In This MasterClass Part 1 and Part 2
Masterclass on How To Set Up Your Etsy Shop Part 1
Masterclass How To Pick A Product, Keyword Research & List An Etsy Product
What Happened During Class? See These Happy Results!
BONUS VIDEO: How To Put An Image on Your Mug Inside of Printful and Edit Inside Your Etsy Shop
Watch This Video (5:17)
Before and After
Before and After? Watch This! Click your way to a GORGEOUS Design! (16:35)
Fun Embroidered Hats!
Printful Now Offers Embroidered Hats – Take a look at this one I did in 5 minutes (hold on this until their delivery times improve
Watch Me Work 7/7/2020
Part 1: Step-Step Create A Customized Birthday Toddler Tshirt
Part 2: Watch Me Make A Mock-Up
Part 3: I Made A Sale, Now How Do I Put The New Name On It?
If you want to hire this out?
Personal One-On-One Coaching Spots Available – Book Yours Now Here
Book Your Appointment Here for 60 Minutes
Other Highly Recommended Resources
How Michelle Makes $2000/Mo With Printables On Etsy
Resource: 365 Designs Done For You Paid Option
Have a Video Made for $10
The Sax of Print On Demand Website Option
The Sax of Print On Demand Website Option
Let’s Pinterest Our Gorgeous Listings!
Let’s Share Your Etsy Item On Pinterest = Free Views/Sales
How To Add Your Image To A Mock-up In Canva For Etsy
Watch This Video – How To Overlay Your Image On A Mockup for Etsy (8:06)
From My Daughter-In-Law:
I am a 27-year-old mom to a beautiful little girl named Ryan and a Puggle named Laura.
I have recently left my job as a 5th grade teacher in NC to become a stay-at-home mom and business owner. (with her Etsy Shop)
My former students will always have a special place in my heart, but I am SO excited about this new season God has called me in!
(Of course, the unexpected is always a little scary)
Kristie, You are so awesome! Thank you for inspiring ME to become an entrepreneur!
Her Shop: Brittany Winnie –
Instant Access Print Bubble Video Course + Your Own Online Shop + Print On Demand = Magic! by Kristie Chiles
The Course Is Available For Immediate Download
All These Courses Are Instant Delivery Using Our Private Server (, Google Drive)
- Instant Access
- Easy fast One-Click download
- No wait times and DON’T need premium accounts
- The courses are up to date and will receive ALL the updates from the creators
1. After payment, you will instant receive a link from our PRIVATE server to download all the content from the course (videos, audios, docs, pdf, screenshots, etc.)
2. You only need to click on the link, and you will have access to an online folder with the content of the course. You can download the whole course as a zip file or you can choose a specific file to download.