Ken Wilber – The Integral Life
Integral Life Practice is a breakthrough program for evolving body, mind, and spirit in self, culture, and nature.
The Integral Life Practice Starter Kit is a fast and easy way to learn ILP, giving you the tools to start practicing in your own home and at your own pace.
The ILP Kit consists of 5 DVDs (Body Module, Mind Module, Spirit Module (2 DVDs), and Shadow Module) 2 CDs (“Out of the Box ILP” and “Meditation with Form”), 3 booklets ( 1) an overview of the program, 2) A More In Depth guide through the program, and 3) Ken Wilber- “Introfucing the AQAL Framework”) and the Essential ILP Poster.
Each DVD and CD teaches a Gold Star practice in one of ILP’s Four Core Modules: Body, Mind, Spirit, and Shadow.
The Kit also teaches a series of 1-Minute Modules, which makes it easier than ever to integrate practice into your everyday life, even and especially when you’re pressed for time.
Written materials show how everything fits together, guiding you through six simple steps for beginning your own Integral Life Practice. Because ILP is both modular and scalable, it readily adapts to your lifestyle and interests. ntegral Life Practice (ILP) is not just a new approach to self-development and higher awareness, but a way of making sense of-and making the best use of-the full spectrum of insights, methods, and teachings for cultivating a more open, balanced, and integrated life.
ILP condenses East and West, ancient and cutting edge, within a highly flexible and contemporary system that you can use whether you’re a professional, a mom, a student, an athlete, an engaged spiritual practitioner (including a beginner)-or anyone who sincerely desires to lead a life of freedom and fullness
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