Pure Personality Bonus by Joseph Matthews
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All B.S. Aside, When You Discover The Simple Personality Secrets That Drive Women Crazy – It Doesn’t Matter How You Look, How Much Money You Have, Or What Car You Drive… You Can Get The Hottest Girl In The World So Excited, She’ll Practically DRAG You Into The Bedroom For Some Wild, Steamy Monkey-Love!
Ask Yourself: What’s Holding You Back From Success With Super-Hot Women?
Is it your age?
Is it your height?
Is it your weight?
Is it your bank account size?
Is it your nationality?
What if I were to tell you that no matter WHAT you think keeps you from scoring with uber-hot chicks, the fact is – it doesn’t matter?
That anyone, even a fat, bald, old, broke guy with acne can attract women to him so easily, it’ll make every other guy in the room jealous!
Keep reading, and I’ll show you exactly how this works…
Hey Dude,
I’m going to be brutally honest with you here…
Physically, I am what many would consider “below average.” As I write this, I’m clocking in at 290 pounds. I have absolutely NO hair on my head. I’m just your average fat, bald, and ugly schlub.
In the time it took me to write that paragraph above, I got text messaged by two different girls, and emailed by a third.
They all wanted to know if they could come over.
And believe me when I say, these girls are so attractive, I feel bad about being with them! (Seriously, good looking girls should be with good looking guys, right?)
But here’s the kicker…
Each and every one of these girls THINKS I’m attractive! Not only that, but they tell me all the time how hot they think I am!
An no, these girls aren’t “chubby chasers” or “prostitutes.” These are real girls I met in the real world who genuinely like all 290 pounds of me.
So How Can An “Ugly” Guy Like Me Be Attractive To Hot Girls?
Most guys think you have to look like Brad Pitt to get girls to feel attracted to you. But what they don’t understand is there are different kinds of attractiveness…
There’s looking attractive.
And then there’s BEING attractive.
These are two very different things. Beyond showering, shaving, and the clothes you wear, there’s nothing you can do about your looks. You’re stuck being short, bald, old, or whatever. That’s not going to change anytime soon.
But you DO have 100% control over how you are. Over what you do, say, and act like!
Understand: Women are much more emotional than men. They have to be, because that’s how nature designed them! If they weren’t in tune with their emotions, it would be very hard for them to care for children – who can’t communicate when they’re babies.
Because of this, men who are able to evoke powerful, fun, and exciting emotions in women WILL be attractive to them, no matter what they look like.
When you’re BEING attractive, what you look like has no bearing on the interaction.
That’s how an ugly S.O.B. like me can get super-hot girls texting and emailing him, practically begging to hang out.
So here’s the question: Do you want to be able to walk into a room and easily attract any woman to you that you desire?
If so, read on…
I Used To Be MISERABLE With Women…
It wasn’t always like this for me. I used to actually BELIEVE that because of the way I looked, no woman in her right mind would ever find me attractive.
Can you imagine how miserable I was?
Seriously, it was so bad, I started RESENTING women because of it.
Over time, as I discovered more and more about myself and how other people function, I came to realize that the only thing holding me back from real success was ME.
There are guys out there way uglier than I am, getting girls attracted to them. We see them every day. The older guy with the young girl. The fat guy with the skinny girl. The short guy with the tall girl…
Every single thing we think holds us back from getting women doesn’t hold these guys back at all!
When I realized this, I came to believe that it truly doesn’t matter what you look like… all that matters is how you present yourself to the people you interact with.
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