IN10SE – Secret Principles of Pleasure A Lovers Manual of Secrets
How would you like to get inside the mind of someone who knows the secrets to a woman’s body… with an intricate knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of sex, with techniques that have been tried and perfected with repeatable results over and over again? How would you like to apply these secrets and know that you are going to be the best lover a woman has ever had and will ever have in her lifetime? How would a woman respond to someone with these kinds of skills?
Well, I’ll start by describing my mindset – Opening you up to my inner game. When I’m with a woman, I know that I’m the best lover she has ever had and will ever have in her lifetime. I also know that because of this, I have the options to pick and choose from among the most beautiful women out there. Does it give me confidence? – Yes. But let me add a caveat. Being the best lover a woman has ever had can have negative repercussions. There is a dark side – so use with caution. This material can make women so obsessed with you that you may want to only use it with a woman that you truly want to give ultimate pleasure to – who you see yourself with in the long term.
I’ve seen the dark side of using this material – hell, I’m still seeing that dark side as I have three women who are either obsessed with me or stalking me currently. In the past I’ve had more women than I can count become obsessed with me. For your own sake and sanity, use this material responsibly. Remember with power comes responsibility. What I am giving you are the keys to a lover’s body and how to give them ultimate pleasure unlike any they’ve had before or will ever have again. That’s it – plain and simple… and the honest truth. – IN10SE
About Author:
IN10SE aka Twotimer
created OctoberMan
If you’ve ever read “The Game”, you know IN10se aka ‘TwoTimer‘ and his forbidden NLP pattern: The October Man Sequence. Legend has it, saying these magic words will instantly get a girl so attracted to you, she will want to tear your clothes off, and take you home right away. And in this article, I’ll reveal some of it’s secret background, hidden psychology, and even tell you how to see the one – and only – Demonstration of The Octoberman Sequence ever recorded on video.
But you have to hang out with Twotimer and me some time. We’ve been sarging with Ross Jeffries a lot. Yeah, I use a canned opener, then I elicit her values and find out her trance words. And then I go into one of the secret patterns. Do you know the October Man sequence? – Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. 1st ed. 2005. p.39.