How to Deadlift – Lifting Lyceum
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If you’ve landed here, lifting weights is no longer just a hobby. It’s part of who you are – perhaps it’s even your livelihood as a coach, or as an athlete. You’ve probably invested a lot of time in learning about lifting weights already. You’ve watched tons of YouTube videos and spent hours weeding through the towel rows and 8-hour arm workouts, read tons of articles with conflicting information, and been given unsolicited advice from randoms in the gym. But, still, you feel like you haven’t received the rigorous education you need to be the best athlete or coach you can be.
You wouldn’t get a college degree by watching YouTube videos and reading 500-word clickbait articles on your topic of study.
Most resources available only focus on small bits of information at a time.
People want to maximize their site traffic, their YouTube views, their bank accounts. Most don’t care about you getting a comprehensive lifting education.
So what does all the mean for you?
You end up with gaps in your understanding of crucial subjects. Ultimately, this could cost you gains, clients, or your health.
If you truly want to learn all you can and optimize your chances at being a great athlete or coach, you need to go deep. In order to understand a topic, you need context, background information, and authorities who know what they’re talking about.
So, there are 2 ways to get a credible education:
CHOICE NO. 1: Spend years teaching yourself everything. You could read the textbooks, study the research, and spend years putting in the work and analyzing the results of time under the bar.
CHOICE NO. 2: Learn from the experts right now. Study with, learn from, and get your questions answered by people who’ve already read the textbooks, studied the research, and spent a decade under the bar.
Now it’s decision time. If you decide Choice 1 is for you, best of luck. If you decide Choice 2, your life is about to get a whole lot easier …
Introducing, the Lifting Lyceum training series
Seminars for people who want a 360-degree, comprehensive understanding of success in strength.
What You’re Going to Learn
Seminar 1: The Squat
Basic biomechanics of the squat
Major muscles and their roles in building a big squat
Effects of wearing a belt on core bracing
Everything you need to know about creating a powerful setup
Cues for both the eccentric and concentric parts of the movement
Knowing how to personalize your squat form for your own body and strengths
Common issues with squat form
Diagnosing weaknesses and actually fixing them
Accessory lifts to help support a strong squat
Seminar 2: The Bench Press
Basic biomechanics of the bench
Major muscles and their roles in building a big bench
Everything you need to know about creating a powerful setup
Cues for both the eccentric and concentric parts of the movement – including a discussion of leg drive and bar path
Knowing how to personalize your grip width for your own body and strengths
Common issues with bench form
Diagnosing weaknesses and actually fixing them
Accessory lifts to help support a strong bench
Seminar 3: The Deadlift
Basic biomechanics of the deadlift
Major muscles and their roles in building a big deadlift
Everything you need to know about creating a powerful setup for both sumo and conventional
Cues for both conventional and sumo
Knowing how to personalize your hip position for your own body and strengths
Common issues with deadlift form
Diagnosing weaknesses and actually fixing them
Accessory lifts to help support a strong deadlift
Seminar 4: Training for Hypertrophy
Mechanisms of hypertrophy: tension, damage, metabolic stress
The importance of volume and how to find the right amount of volume for you
Myofibrillar vs. sarcoplasmic hypertrophy: Is sarcoplasmic hypertrophy real, and if so, is it relevant?
Type 1 vs. Type 2 muscle fiber hypertrophy
Finding the right blend of compound and isolation lifts
Nonlinear effects of stress
Nutrition for hypertrophy
Finding the training frequency that’s right for you
Should you train to failure?
Is whole body or body part split training better for muscle growth?
The importance of sleep and stress management
Example routines for hypertrophy training and how to build your own program
Seminar 5: Training for Strength
Correlations between muscle mass and powerlifting success
Developing efficiency with the lifts
Basics of motor learning
Importance of intensity for building strength
Frequency: How often should you lift, and what factors impact that decision?
An in-depth discussion of periodization … it doesn’t mean what you think it means
How to peak for a powerlifting meet
How much your personal leverages impact strength, and what to do about them
Example programs for strength training and how to build your own programs
{BONUS SEMINAR} Seminar 6: Work Capacity
Training more is usually better, if you can handle it. But what happens when you can no longer recover well enough to keep doing more, or when you simply get so worn out during your workouts that you can’t do more?
General Adaptation Syndrome: Shock, resistance, fatigue
Impulse response model
How much work can you do?
How much work can you recover from?
How to increase work capacity
How to monitor recovery threshold
How to transition back into training after a work capacity phase
Digital Download How to Deadlift – Lifting Lyceum
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1. After payment, you will instant receive a link from our PRIVATE server to download all the content from the course (videos, audios, docs, pdf, screenshots, etc.)
2. You only need to click on the link, and you will have access to an online folder with the content of the course. You can download the whole course as a zip file or you can choose a specific file to download.