Facebook Ads Domination (2020) – Greg Davis
The Facebook Scaling Report
So you have a profitable campaign on Facebook, but you can’t scale up?
You raise the budget but then your CPM shoots up?
You want to scale like the big guys spending $50k+ everyday?
Losing accounts trying to scale?
You’re in the right place.
This could be you if you could scale.
First thing first
Before we get into the particulars about scaling let’s get into something I’ve never heard anyone talk about – the mentality of scaling.
Before I was successful, I would go to seminars or read books and they would always start with mindset. At the time I was like what’s this boring stuff get to the money making.
But now, after achieving some success I get it now. You can’t have success without the proper mindset.
Many people have paid me a lot to coach them over the years, and one thing I’ve noticed is that the people that don’t succeed have an unconscious fear of success.
When they start getting close they start to self-sabotage.
Another big problem that keep prospective media buyers from being able to scale is fear of spending money.
Media buying is about BUYING traffic. Obviously at a profit.
But if you want to make big money you have to spend big money. Even though we had a profitable campaign and were getting paid in a week, they couldn’t stomach spending $20k – $40k per day.
Even though they were at 100% ROI.
Sounds weird but I’ve seen it happen several times.
So if you want to scale you have to spend money. A lot.
The Snowball Effect
The beauty of scaling is you can start small and have a large campaign in a short period of time.
So you’re not starting out spending $20k – $40k a day
You can start with $500/day, which would give you $3500 for the week. At that low volume you’re probably looking at a 3:1 ROI. So that $3500 becomes $10,500.
Take that entire $10,500 and buy more traffic. At the end of week 2 you have $31,500.
At the end of week 3 you have $94,500 which will allow you to spend $13,500/day.
Now you’re down to 2:1 ROI because as volume goes up ROI typically goes down. But we’ll make it up with volume. So at the end of week 4 you have $189,000, which translates into $27,000/day you can spend.
That’s how you go from $500/day to $27,000/day in a month.
The keys are:
1. It has to convert well
2. Reinvest ALL the profits into more traffic
The #1 scaling ingredient
Scaling your ad campaign is not an event. It’s a process.
And where does that process start?
It starts with CONVERSION.
Conversion is the key to scaling.
If your offer doesn’t convert profitably enough, it’s going to be hard to scale.
If you’re teetering on break even, why scale that?
What you’ll generally find in media buying is that as traffic volume goes up, conversion rate (and ROI) goes down.
That’s why you want to be as profitable as possible at low traffic volume so you can still maintain a good ROI at high volume.
Let me let you in on a secret – everyone tries to get the cheapest traffic possible. But in reality you want to be able to afford to pay a higher price for traffic than everyone else and still be profitable.
If you can do that, you get get the lion’s share of the volume and take traffic from your competition.
2 examples
1. I was working on Facebook campaign in a fairly small market where we were spending $1k/day and bringing in $5k/day.
5X ROI, $4,000 profit per day
Using a technique I teach in Ads Domination I expanded the audience so that I could spend $5k/day. Revenue was $15k/day.
3X ROI, $10k/day in profit. Lower ROI but more money in our pocket.
2. This was actually an old Google search campaign back when they had the 3 ads on top and then 7 ads on the right side.
For one particular keyword, at first I was in position 7, on the right side. I was spending $4k/day there, 100% ROI. But it was converting so well I could afford to bid higher. So I bid high enough to get to the top of the page.
At the top of the page I could spend $40k/day at 85% ROI, which was a lot more money.
So conversion is the key to scaling. What’s the key to conversion?
You need to be testing like crazy. Focus on multivariate testing, not split-testing.
If you’re not already doing multivariate testing, you are in for a life-changing (and bank account changing) experience.
If you’re not multi-variate testing your landing pages you are leaving tons of money and scaling potential on the table.
So even if you make the horrible mistake of not buying my product, take this tip from me – do multivariate testing.
So let’s see where we are:
1. Scaling is a process not an event.
2. The key to scaling is conversion.
3. The key to conversion is testing.
4. Multi-variate testing > split testing.
As you can see, testing is paramount. If you want to be a successful media buyer your life is testing.
The foundation of scaling is conversion which results from testing.
My Secret
I have high end coaching clients that pay upwards of $70k to come see me. Sometimes from the other side of the world.
I think of it like a Shaolin monk climbing up the rugged mountain to get to the top to see the master.
They paid the money. They made the journey. They look me in the eye and say “what is the secret to making millions of dollars online?”
I tell them, the real secret is there is no secret. It’s a system.
But, there is a secret sauce. Testing. Relentless, rigorous testing.
You see, media buying is a very lucrative business. There’s a lot of money it. Which means there is a lot of competition.
Year after year, I stay on top. You know why?
Because I outwork my competition. More specifically, I out-test them.
And they might swipe my page and compete against me with it. Problem for them is I’m always testing so they might have version 5 while I’m on version 11.
I’ll still be able to outbid them because mine converts better.
Testing is a huge part of our process. And a huge part of our success.
In Ads Domination we show you exactly to how to test.
Hiring Media Buyers
There are some other crucial steps to scaling huge such as multiple accounts. But multiple FB accounts can be tricky.
One person can only manage so many accounts. If you have 20, 30, even 50 accounts going you’re going to need to hire some help.
But let me tell you, it’s not easy hiring good media buyers. We have the process down and we can show you exactly how to build a strong media buying team.
Most people are looking in the wrong place for media buyers – we’ll show you the right place.
In today’s Facebook where you’re limited in how much you can spend in one account, having multiple media buyers is a must to scale big.
I know guys that spend well over $100k and day on Facebook over 75+ accounts.
You gotta have people to run all those accounts.
If you’re only running one or two accounts, you’re limiting how much you can scale.
Images & Video
If you want to scale your traffic properly you’re gong to have to have an image or video that’s very eye catching and has a high CTR.
Here’s a little nugget for you – if you have an ad with a high CTR but doesn’t convert that well, you can optimize the campaign around that ad.
For example, use the ad headline as the headline for your landing page.
Vary the ad copy slightly to improve conversions.
What makes and effective image? Bright colors? Boobs? Celebrities?
No. The thing that makes an image effective is being a pattern interrupt.
Think about it: you’re scrolling through your newsfeed when something jumps out at you because it interrupts the pattern of things you’re used to seeing.
Pattern interrupts are extremely effective and we’ll break down exactly how to do it in Ads Domination.
We’ll do video training as well.
“Greg that sounds like a lot of work.”
It is. It’s not for the lazy. If you want the big bucks you have to work hard, until you hire others that can do the work for you.
But you have to get in there first.
Dan Kennedy always said you can outsource everything but your marketing.
Who are we?
I’ve done all this talking, and you’re probably like why should I listen to you?
The duo behind Ads Domination has separately generated 6 figures in revenue daily on Facebook. Daily.
We’re not gurus. We’re not in the spotlight, at all the events. We pretty much keep our heads down and generate millions.
A few people may have heard of me, Greg Davis, aka Mr. 50K A Day. Even though I surpassed that a long time ago the name stuck.
I get out a little, had a few events back in the day, but for the most part I stay underground.
My partner is way underground. I can guarantee you don’t know who he is. But he’s spent over $100k/day on Facebook for a long time.
I’ve met a lot of excellent Facebook media buyers. He’s the best.
He’s very private though. So private that he doesn’t want his name revealed. We’ll call him Facebook Wizard.
So we’re not just some guys that had a little success on Facebook and decided we’re experts and should charge for our knowledge.
We didn’t just get lucky back in the day when Facebook was the Wild Wild West. I mean I did crush it back then but we’re still doing it.
Even though it is a lot harder now. Facebook is a lot stricter now, and on a hair trigger when it comes to disabling accounts.
We’re not Johnny Come Latelies.
I’ve been buying traffic since 2000, before there was a Facebook. Facebook Wizard not quite as long but he’s been on Facebook since it existed.
And we have generated over $100M in online sales.
We know what we’re talking about.
I can tell you for a fact that very few people use my methods. Absolutely no one is teaching it.
Having this knowledge will give you a massive advantage over your competition!
One thing most people don’t realize is that one tiny change in your ad copy can make a huge difference in conversion. I’ve had ads double their conversion rate by changing one punctuation mark.
These little tiny changes you test could add millions to your bottom line. Money that is sitting there on the table because you don’t know how to test.
We will teach you.
Ads Domination is not your average everyday Facebook ads course. Ads Domination shows you how to use Facebook as a profitable high-volume traffic source.
We will show you how to profitably spend 5 – 6 figures everyday on Facebook.
Jump out of the 5 and 6 figures and join us in the 7 and 8 figure media buying world.
So why are you guys allowing others to see your secrets? Aren’t you creating your own competition?
a) Sadly, the vast majority of people that buy my product will do nothing.
b) For the ones that do implement, there’s enough money out here for all of us.
I believe in abundance, not scarcity. And, the next best thing to making money myself is helping other people make money. It’s a great feeling knowing you helped change someone’s life for the better.
How this came to be:
About a year ago I got an email from my friend Ken McCarthy and he said I have someone you have to meet. He’s doing stuff with Facebook I’ve never seen.
Now Ken is THE OG of OG’s of internet marketing. While Al Gore was inventing the internet Ken was figuring out how to sell stuff on it. He ran The System seminar for 10 years which put IM events on the map.
Needless to say, when Ken says something I listen so he set up a call with this Facebook guy. We’ll call him Facebook Wizard (FBW).
FBW and I talked for over an hour and I was amazed at what he knew.
The thing about him that really struck me was how he was doing huge numbers but he was 100% white hat.
I’m talking $100k+ per day.
The other thing was how fast he got campaigns profitable. It seems like it’s sometimes a little bit of a struggle for me to get there. He could do it at will.
So we ended up working on some stuff together. We met in person. He’s a great guy.
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