Erotic Mastery by Grant Adams
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Grant Adams-Erotic Mastery [MP3 Phone Interview Teleseminars, 6 PDF Files]
This Is Your Opportunity To Dispel Your Self-Doubts, Restore Your Self-Image, And Learn The Mindset and Techniques to Awaken Your Erotic Core.
You are invited to join the Six Masters of Eroticism To Learn Everything and Ask Them Anything in a Safe, Unbiased, Unrestricted Environment.
I have gathered the best and most fearless teachers in the world.
And together with them, I developed a teleseminar course of Erotic mastery for men who seriously want to become the god in bed that every guy WANTS and DESERVES to be… Would you like to become the object of a woman’s fantasy?
Would you like to enter any room knowing that you can please a woman more thoroughly than any other man in sight?
Would you like to know how to smoothly bridge the gap between flirting and her erotic rejection?
Would you like to know a few words that you need to say to encourage a woman to redouble her efforts to please you?
Do you want to learn how to combine words and touch to suppress a woman’s feelings?
If you answered ” no” to any of these questions, I think you are lying to yourself and detaching yourself from experiencing the most intense pleasures on Earth.
Also, think about this: you are also taking the woman (or women) in your life away from experiencing the most intense pleasures on Earth.The truth is that ALL MEN want to be Erotic Masters. But only a FEW will take the steps to get there. Will you?”I designed this teleseminar course to be the most important step you’ll ever take on the path to the sex Life you’ve always dreamed of.
And all this was done directly, frankly, without any nonsense.
Some of these Masters you won’t hear of unless you move in very elite sensory communities.
Others are “underground” teachers you may have heard of.
And some of them are pretty well known.
What they have in common is that they will teach you skills that women crave and you can’t learn in books.
Please meet our Six Erotic Masters who will train you. Erotic Mastery Through Attitude, Touch, and Speech with David Shadedavid Shade is an icon in the worldwide “Seduction Community”” not for anything flashy or showy, but for his solid understanding of women, his intriguing teaching style, and (for my money) his uncanny and understated mastery of how to unlock women’s fantasies. During this session, David will show you
How to be both personally and sensually strong at the same time
How to Build Trust, Connection, and Dominance
How to awaken her ” inner whore” in a way that she deeply wants but needs a man she can trust. David has been fearless in his own life, and I am sure that he will help you get rid of many of the fears that you may be unconsciously carrying. The session includes lengthy questions and answers. Unlocking Your Right To Have Fun With Erwan Davonervan is a deep, deep dude. He has dedicated more than 15 years to mastering and teaching giving and receiving deep ecstatic pleasure from women through a dazzling variety of daring workshops, personal intimate coaching, and erotic community experience courses. During this session, Erwan completely transforms your ideas about what you are trying to “get” sexually or sensually, demonstrating what you already have. You will find that the key to Erotic Mastery is to remove the blockages that you have allowed yourself to stop. Please be prepared to step out of any sense of inadequacy you bring and enter into your innate and already powerful sensory ” Being.”” You can’t miss it! Long questions and answers will be included. The Mental, Vocal, and Physical Foreplay With Neo Yangneo has quietly become one of the most fascinating and accomplished Erotic Mastery teachers and practitioners I know. Despite being a math prodigy and even a college football player, he remained a virgin all the way to university, hampered only by negative conversations with himself. With the same determination that led him to MTV at the age of 11, he dedicated himself to becoming a superb, exquisitely skilled lover. Neo is now a mainstay of his city’s “Pleasure Community”” offering one-of-a-kind courses on how to give women an hour-and-a-half orgasm (not a typo), and has so many beautiful lovers that I can’t keep track. I consider Neo not only a great and deeply spiritual teacher, but also one of my closest friends, and I am honored to introduce him to the world. Neo will help you get rid of the doubts and self-sabotage you’ve created along the way, guide you through subtle and powerful mental and physical foreplay techniques, and answer any questions you have to become a complete Lover.
Long questions and answers will be included. What Women Want and How To Give It To Them Alicia Bayeri first met Alicia in a small cafe in San Francisco. An experienced transpersonal therapist, she has spent the past few years with her partner Erwan conducting a ” Pleasure Course” in which several couples learn to offer deep, ecstatic, sustained sensual pleasure to each other in a fearless workshop setting. I chose Alicia because she brings a sweet, serious, passionate, sultry, professional, and deeply spiritual approach to teaching men how to please women. And she readily answers your questions by offering a female perspective—not just any woman, but a woman who has worked with hundreds of men and women in the most intimate, vulnerable environment you can imagine. Long questions and answers will be included. What else can I say about the legendary shaman, hypnotist, former biker, spiritual seeker, and master teacher described in the best-selling book “The Game”? Steve has taught thousands of men to please their women and, at last count, more than 400 women to ” squirt” – an orgasmic experience that used to be considered a happy coincidence. In this session, we will discuss hypnotic techniques that create self-confidence, His White Tiger Tantra method (he changed my life!). But most of all, I want to give you as many questions and answers as possible with Steve, which I hope will fill at least 3/4 of the session. Steve is one of a kind, and this session will be absolutely unforgettable. Ask your wildest, wildest, and most outrageous questions. Nothing goes beyond his experience.
Long questions and answers will be included. Sign up today to learn with Steve Piccus and the rest of the Erotic Masters. Mystical Union and Deep Enjoyment With Satyen Raja Satyen is one of my most influential personal teachers and friends. A master of kung fu, a leader of life-changing experiential workshops, a world traveler, and a spiritual explorer who takes students deep into the Peruvian jungles and South Indian temples, but more importantly, deep into their untapped selves, Satyen will guide us through the steps, both internal and external, that create nothing short of divine enjoyment on a mystical level. What I like about Satyen is that he is not only one of the most profound spiritual teachers I know, but also a non-B. S., and a great, funny, likable, formerly goofy guy. His life is a testament to his teachings, with his gorgeous wife often teaching alongside him. For Satjen, as one of his courses attests, there is no separation between “Sex”, “Passion” or “Enlightenment” – they are all part of the same sizzling continuum. Can You Imagine What It Would Be Like To Travel to Your Hometowns and Learn From Each Of These Masters?Over the past few years, I’ve spent thousands of dollars training with many of these teachers. I took the time to learn from each of them. I also spent time and money with a few other people who just didn’t make it-who weren’t the real deal. They are not included in this course. The masters I have selected for you – if they teach what they know publicly at all – charge hundreds of dollars a night or thousands a weekend to teach the material you will receive in this course. And then there’s the question of traveling to where they are, which in itself could mean thousands more.
One of the reasons I put together this course is that there is a real need for men to take this kind of training, while not forgetting the budget that many men live on.
Instant Access Erotic Mastery by Grant Adams
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1. After payment, you will instant receive a link from our PRIVATE server to download all the content from the course (videos, audios, docs, pdf, screenshots, etc.)
2. You only need to click on the link, and you will have access to an online folder with the content of the course. You can download the whole course as a zip file or you can choose a specific file to download.