Ultimate Webinar Blueprint 2.0 – Frank Kern
No sales page, but here is the complete sales webinar and the sales page copy is below.
Yes, Frank! I want to create an amazing webinar campaign that adds massive value to my marketplace, positions me as an authority, builds a super-responsive list, and sells like crazy!
Yes! I want to save an extra $400!I want to make three payments.
Module 1: Recon and Registrants
Want to know the first rule of marketing? Sell what people want! And that’s why this module is so valuable important – because it forces you to peer into the minds of your prospects – uncovering their deepest desires and the emotions that drive their buying decisions.
And now that you know what they want, what they’re driven by, and what they’re skeptical of – it’s time to bring them to your webinar like bees to honey …having them register in droves.
Here’s just a fraction of what’s inside:
Discover who your best prospects are, so you can attract people most likely to buy.
Discover their primary drivers and objections so you can craft a perfect message that sells every time.
Model my winning registration page templates so you’ll get more signups from your traffic.
Craft the perfect “liquidator offer” so you’ll make sales before the webinar even happens.
Templates of invitation emails, templates of registration pages, walkthroughs of liquidation pitches …all so you can hit the ground running (and not start from scratch!)
And much, much more.
Digital Download Ultimate Webinar Blueprint 2.0 – Frank Kern
The Course Is Available For Immediate Download
All These Courses Are Instant Delivery Using Our Private Server (Mega.nz, Google Drive)
- Instant Access
- Easy fast One-Click download
- No wait times and DON’T need premium accounts
- The courses are up to date and will receive ALL the updates from the creators
1. After payment, you will instant receive a link from our PRIVATE server to download all the content from the course (videos, audios, docs, pdf, screenshots, etc.)
2. You only need to click on the link, and you will have access to an online folder with the content of the course. You can download the whole course as a zip file or you can choose a specific file to download.