Erle’s Fighting System The Physical side by Erle Montaigue
Erle Montaigue – Erle’s Combat System of the Body part [19 DVD – 19 VOB, 19 MP4 38 Jpeg ]
Contrary to popular myth, the first cause not mak not training assassins. It was intensive study of the medical arts, which is incorporated in the martial arts, and his goal was to heal, not to destroy. But keep in mind the ancient Chinese of the lord, here is an undiluted, holistic study of the dim mak, as both the martial and healing art. Included are a historical overview of the dim mak and Traditional Chinese Medicine, the discussions of the physiological mechanism and medical risks acupoint strikes, an indepth introduction to the classical 36 Chamber training programs are normally teach not mak and detailed analyses of medical and martial applications of each of the acupoints in the 12 main meridians,
About The Author
Erle Montaigue was the first Westerner to be granted the degree of “Lord” in taijiquan and dim-mak. In 1995 Erle alcohol to the study of Liang Shih-kan, the leader and “the guardian” is now almost extinct is a precursor to taijiquan, in Wutan Shan System of Boxing, thus becoming the only Western and a few of the people to be taught the nine qi-disruptive methods. He serves as the head of the World Taiji Boxing Association (WTBA), which has schools in more than 30 countries. He is highly regarded internationally as one of the leading teachers of the internal martial arts, including taijiquan.
MTG286 Erle Montaigue Fighting System (the Body Part) Volume 1 Level: Intermediate Run Time: Approximately 60 mins Covers leg attacks using your front foot to Begin the path of Monkey Boxing.
MTG303 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 2 Level: Intermediate Run Time: Approximately 60 mins One Strike One Kill Methods. Best and practical, the physical material
MTG305 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 3 Level: Medium Prep Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances.
MTG306 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 4 Level: Intermediate Run Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances
MTG307 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 5 Level: Medium Prep Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances
MTG308 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 6 Level: Medium Prep Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances
MTG309 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 7 Level: Medium Prep Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances
MTG310 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 8 Level: Intermediate Run Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances.
MTG311 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 9 Level: Intermediate Run Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances.
MTG312 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 10 Level: Intermediate Run Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances
MTG315 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 11 Level: Intermediate Run Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances
MTG317 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 12 Level: Intermediate Run Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances.
MTG318 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 13 Level: Intermediate Run Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances.
MTG319 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 14 Level: Intermediate Run Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances
MTG320 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 15 Level: Intermediate Run Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances.
MTG328 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 16 Level: Intermediate Run Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances
MTG329 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 17 Level: Intermediate Run Time: Approximately 60 mins Multiple Hits to Kill Methods. Profit from the power of the short distances.
MTG332 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 18 Level: Advanced Run Time: Approximately 60 mins Self-defense in the real world. Fight against numerous opponents.
MTG334 Erle Montaigue’s Fighting System: the Body Part: Vol. 19 Level: Advanced Run Time: Approximately 60 mins Bring the Qi in the hands of the fighting. Also covered is the Wudang “Insect Boxing
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