Erin Flynn – Creative Compass
Hey, Web Designer.
Say goodbye to 14-hour days, zero social life and making pennies
Imagine a business that pays the bills and then some. Gives you the flexibility to define your own hours. And fits around your life, rather than dictating it.
Because the last time I checked, you didn’t get into business to be working 24/7.
How many more dinner invitations will you pass up because you didn’t ‘have time to do marketing’ today?
How many more projects will you say yes to while secretly loathing having to drop your rates to get the gig?
And for crying out loud, how many more vacations will you simply drool over but never actually book because you have to ‘work’?
Stop playing at business and getting serious about life.
You’re invited to join:
Creative Compass
A self-study course proven to give you a design business making the money you want, with clients you love, and the freedom of time away without the guiltThis is a business course for designers.
I’m talking strategy and positioning, business planning and execution; from identifying what’s important for you to live a full life and planning your business around that, to analyzing what’s working and doing business smarter, to structuring your days so work happens because it’s meant to, and fun happens because it’s time to.
Creative Compass will help you…
Plan your life
You have a life you want to live–learn how to build your business around your life, instead of living your life around your business
Find your business coordinates
Position your business for success–learn how to find your niche and learn from your competition.
Get amazing clients
Not all clients are created equal–learn how to pinpoint what makes a great client, research their needs, and attract them to you.
Price your services
Pricing is tricky business–learn how to determine how much money you actually need to make, and price your services accordingly.
Build connections
Doing business in a bubble is a sure way to fail–learn how to connect with others in your industry and grow your network and influence.
Create your map
Do business on your own terms–learn how to create a business plan that works for you, and that moves your business forward!
Your Instructor
Hi, I’m Erin.
I help service-based creative business owners make more money without working more.
Not so long ago I was like you. Working constantly. Answering phone calls from clients on Sunday mornings. Staying up late to meet deadlines. Dragging my computer with me on vacation. Constantly checking my phone. Checking emails at my own damn wedding.
It took me several years to figure it out: that I didn’t have to chase every shiny object, do all the things, or even hire a team to run a successful business.
By getting clear on my own unique vision of success and cutting out everything in my business that wasn’t moving me in the right direction, I was able to scale my business to over six-figures a year, while working less than 20 hours a week.
Through my Successfully Simple® Framework, I have helped hundreds of creative entrepreneurs scale their businesses while cutting their work hours. But more importantly, I’ve helped them get clear on what success means to them, and design their business to help them reach their vision of success as quickly as possible.
I want to help you too.
What you’ll leave with:
What’s paramount in life that gets your attention? We take the time to map this out so you not only prioritize the must-haves, but give them the focus they deserve. After we’re done, you’ll be crystal clear on what your life must look like for you to be happy, and you’ll be ready to plan your ideal week.
The ideal week outline clarifies your priorities so that every day that’s a business day, you know exactly what you need to be doing, and every day that’s not a business day, you know you can log off and relax.
How much money do you need to make to both live and have fun? Which clients do you love working with? What’ll marry the two together? What other design services are available and how do you set yourself apart?
In this module, we break down your business coordinates in a way that’s easy to understand so you have clear targets every month that’ll get you effortlessly generating business and making money. I show you the smart way to quickly analyze the competition without feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of businesses, or getting insecure about your own.
I teach you how to differentiate yourself from every other designer that’s got a copy of Photoshop and wants to get paid for it. Not only that, but I’ll show you how to elevate your services so your clients are clamoring to buy – and how to price it so they’re ready to spend.
Identify your ideal clients, and set up your marketing machine so they come to you. It isn’t as simple as build it and they will come. They won’t. In this module, you’ll learn insights into how to market your services so that you’re not knocking on the doors of clients – they’re knocking on yours.
How do you create reoccurring passive income, decide what to offer and raise your rates? We get under the skin of all that so you’re packaging your products and services in a way that’s in sync for clients you love to work with.
Speaking of business partners – how do you find them? I give you my personal strategy on how to get yourself out of your home and into your community.
This module focuses on how to network like a pro, and effortlessly stay connected with people so that you’re not only making friends, but getting business referrals and opportunities to work together.
This module also takes it a step further by diving deep into joint ventures and collaborations, so you’re building your business with partners and smart associates (without being cheated).
In this final module, we tie everything you’ve learned into a strategy that you’ll follow to expand your business. You’ll have a blue print for every part of your business. It’ll give you the precise short term actions and long term vision that not only achieves the goals of today, but expands your business tomorrow.
- Disclaimer & Terms
- Intro (4:36)
- Create a business that fits your life (13:22)
- Plan your ideal week (10:09)
- Establish a clear focus (5:24)
- Evaluate the competition (7:33)
- Set yourself apart (6:20)
- Discover your true ideal clients (8:45)
- Research and attract new clients (12:29)
- Client evolution (5:00)
- Create recurring and passive income (8:51)
- What your clients want vs. what you want to offer (5:26)
- How much money do you need to make? (6:00)
- Sell the benefits (11:50)
- Price & package your services (7:59)
- Raise your rates (9:11)
- Stay connected to your clients (10:47)
- Network to make friends and get support (7:01)
- Get great referrals (7:25)
- Collaborate and outsource (10:11)
- Create your business map (9:43)
- Wrap-up (1:22)
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