Endless Audience
Including the exact system that grew our email list from 0 to 276,000 subscribers …
While generating more sales than Facebook ads, partnerships, and social media combined.
Plus, see how to use the system to build a bigger business that lets you …
- Spend time on the things you love (and hire peopleto take care of the things you don’t)
- Reach more and more people (even millions)
- Invest your growing profits where you want: an amazing lifestyle, rapidly max your savings, plow back into your business or give back — or all of the above
- Spend time on the things you love (and hire peopleto take care of the things you don’t)
- Reach more and more people (even millions)
- Invest your growing profits where you want: an amazing lifestyle, rapidly max your savings, plow back into your business or give back — or all of the above
People find our site, read the material, subscribe to our email list, and many of them eventually buy — automatically.
THIS FEELS GREAT. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It feels amazing to know you can spend your time doing the creative stuff — writing fun posts, recording videos, exploring new ideas, linking to other people you admire — and your business automatically attracts new people, eventually turning the right ones into buyers.
Here’s an example of how this works. Over five years ago, I wrote a post on weddings. It was something I felt strongly about and I loved writing it.
That post still brings new buyers in. And the material I write today will continue to bring new readers in for years to come.
I want to get really specific to show you what this looks like on a daily basis, because I want you to know this is possible for you, too.
We built a traffic engine to generate 15,000 subscribers a month. Imagine every single person in Germany’s SAP Arena raising their hand and asking to hear from you — every month.
Now we have over 590,000 followers on social media.
When you have a business with a “traffic engine” like this, you can make a big impact — fast.
When you share a link, people click it.
When you recommend a book, it sells out.
You don’t have to offer huge discounts because people love your products! (In fact, we never discount.)
Here’s the best part. You don’t have to sell, sell, sell all the time. You can actually relax, breathe, and have FUN. When you’re having fun and sharing the things you love, your audience can tell.
Let me show you what I mean. I happen to love hot sauce, and my favorite hot sauce is Dos Toros in NYC. I decided to show them some love and mention them in my newsletter. BOOM — they instantly sold out.
Life isn’t just about selling stuff over and over. When you build a great business, you get to have fun and your readers love it, too.
(Plus, some days it’s nice to just take off and catch a daytime movie, knowing that your business will automatically keep bringing in new readers.)
When I think back to the early days, I was doing all the “right” things, but it wasn’t working. Frankly, I’m surprised I didn’t throw in the towel.
Now when I share something, I can see people talking about it, sharing it, and responding by the thousands. It’s amazing to know you’re putting something into the world — and people love it.
And it’s even more amazing to know that you’re also growing your business at the same time.
I want to show you how we grew from a dorm-room blog to a multimillion-dollar business.
Not just the basic stuff you could Google for free. I’m talking about the lessons the outsiders don’t know … that we do.
To go beyond mere tactics — and to build a sustainable, high-growth business — start with your own psychology.
Which of these invisible scripts are holding you back from growing your business?
I discovered three painful invisible scripts around growing a business — deep beliefs that can kill your business if left unchecked. How many of these scripts apply to you?
(In my experience, every business owner below $12 million in revenue believes at least one of these.)
“There are so many ways to grow traffic. So why isn’t it working for me?”
“WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? I feel like I’ve already used a lot of the tactics out there. I can’t keep posting in FB groups. People will get sick of me. I tried auto-webinars but it didn’t work for me. What am I doing wrong? I just need to try a different strategy.”
“IT’S TOO COMPLICATED. I’m trying to piece together all these tactics without annoying my readers. I have enough stuff going on. Now I’m supposed to master FB ads and Instagram and contests and webinars and … I feel overwhelmed. I guess I’ll just keep trying to make it work. I just need to figure it out.”
“I’m so overwhelmed”
“I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME! I tried blogging and posting to social media every week and it nearly killed me. All these people say I’m supposed to blog and create products and take care of my customers and post infographics. Uh, there’s not enough time to do all of this.”
“I’LL SPEND THE TIME — IF I KNOW IT WILL WORK. I’ve jumped to a lot of different things, but that’s because nothing works. I’m willing to spend the time — IF I know it’ll work. But I need to know.”
“I need to go faster”
“WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? How come they grew their list by 15,000 last month? What do they know that I don’t? What is going on?!”
“GUEST POSTS ARE DEAD. I already did the basics, but that’s not enough. Now what? I’m supposed to write guest posts, PLUS posts on my own blog? I don’t want to write guest posts. They’re dead.”
“WHY ISN’T ANYONE RESPONDING? I spent so long writing it, and I only got one comment.”
“UGH, IT JUST NEEDS TO WORK. I’m super frustrated with the lack of organic traffic (I think there’s something wrong with our website). I really need to make this thing grow on its own.”
Do any of these scripts sound
familiar to you?
I used to think I was “above” invisible scripts, but I wasn’t. God, I was so stupid.
And one of the biggest impediments to growth is yourself. I know it was for me. I thought because I was a business owner, it was all just pure “logic” to growing my business. Do X, then Y. Yeah … that works, until you realize that what got you here won’t get you there.
For a lot of us, if we see a problem, we jump right into solving it … without evaluating whether this is the right solution … or if we should be tackling this problem at all.
Think about it — there’s so much advice out there … that just doesn’t work.
We all have so much we want to do with our businesses … but never enough time.
But if we could crack the code on traffic and know which growth levers to pull, we could build a high-growth, profitable business that lets us share our passion with more and more people.
If you’re ready to unlock the growth in your business, read on. I want to share three of the most surprising truths I discovered that radically changed how I drive traffic for my business.
The path to 15,000 subscribers per month
When we started out, we did the basic things that everyone recommends:
- We set up our blog.
- We wrote high-quality posts.
- We did guest posting on larger sites.
- And we set up a pretty good opt-in form that converted traffic to subscribers.
Then we added on more intermediate strategies to grow even more: We started focusing on SEO, so we showed up at the top of search engines. We created an A/B testing program to optimize our opt-in forms and copy, which boosted subscription rates by over 50%. And, of course, I was posting on social media.
These strategies worked, and traffic was growing, but I was getting impatient. Honestly … I wanted to go faster. I didn’t want to wait years to grow. I wanted HOCKEY STICK GROWTH. You know what I’m talking about.
This is when I really started paying attention to the strategies that were getting more popular. I’m talking about high-growth, fast strategies. Facebook ads. JVs and affiliates. Rapid funnel growth. The strategies that didn’t take months (or years), but ones that could scale fast.
I have to admit … I was getting a little jealous of all the numbers I saw being thrown around. I was hearing people talking about getting 10,000 subscribers a week. WITHOUT DOING ANY WORK WRITING NEW STUFF!!
Here I am, slaving away writing new post after new post, and they were looking at me like I was some old-fashioned goober. “Dude,” they would say, “you’re wasting your time writing all this stuff. Write one thing, then use paid ads to drive a ton of traffic.”
They’d tell me how they spent a dollar and made two.
I heard people were making $3,000 profit every day. That’s over a million dollars in profit every year — without having to write anything new!
You can see why I started to get jealous. If I was sitting around writing post after post, email after email, and someone else could just spend a few bucks and make a million dollars in profit … what did they know that I didn’t?
And really — why wasn’t I doing this?
I started to get worried that I was missing out on the next big thing. That because I knew how to write blog posts, I was falling into the trap of “a guy with a hammer sees everything as a nail.” I felt comfortable writing, so I kept spending time doing that …
… while the world was passing me by.
In the back of my head, I heard this voice saying, “It can’t really be that easy.” Because if it was, what had I been spending all my time over the last five years doing?
So I decided I had to find out how they were doing it. This is where being (1) jealous and (2) having the money to execute becomes a dangerous combination.
I could afford to put teams on each. And that’s exactly what I did.
We built an entire Facebook ad team, including copywriters, designers, and a data analyst. We spent $2 MILLION (not to mention building the entire team) over 2+ years.
We built an entire affiliate team and recruited dozens of affiliates, generating substantial revenue.
We built an entire optimization team focused on optimizing opt-ins, running dozens of A/B tests every month across our business, including funnels, holdout tests, and upsell & cross-sell optimization.
Basically, we spent a shitload of time and money (and we got really good) at all of these strategies to grow faster.
The day I discovered the truth
about traffic
Our analyst called a special meeting. Every member of our senior team attended. As the meeting started, the analyst began by setting the context.
“As you all know, we’ve spent a considerable amount of time investing in new strategies to gro—”
Honestly, I just wanted him to get on with it.
That’s when he clicked to Slide 2 and started with the word, “Unfortunately…”
Never a good way to start a massive presentation on millions of dollars of tests we’d run. Actually, it made me want to puke.
Yes, the numbers looked good on the surface. Some of the strategies made us money, even a decent amount.
Unfortunately, none of these new strategies — paid ads, JVs, tripwires, and more — beat the system we’d already built over the last five years. Not even close.
Yes, traffic was at all-time highs.
Yes, we’d been able to dramatically scale our number of email subscribers.
Unfortunately, most of the new subscribers never bought a thing!
That sinking feeling was me realizing we’d made a huge mistake. All those damn gurus, all those rumors I’d followed … when you actually run the numbers, a lot of them don’t pan out.
When something bad happens, life is good when you can blame someone else. But this time, I had nobody to blame but myself. I’d chased the rumors. I’d looked for a shortcut. I’d said, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is,” then promptly ignored it.
Let me show you what I mean. (This is what none of the gurus will share, BTW.)
We used Facebook advertising to generate 81,316 new email subscribers in 2016.
Sounds like a home run, right? Most businesses would be happy to have 81,000 people on their list in total. We did it from one channel, in one year. Double opt-in subscribers.
But as the saying goes, “not all that glitters is gold.” I wanted to know: “How many of those people actually BOUGHT anything?”
Shockingly, very few.
If we’d never built an entire analytics team to look underneath the numbers, we never would have known. (Which is why so many people who run FB ads think they’re profitable … but they’re actually not.)
Similarly, we did a high-profile partnership with a well-known business with a massive audience of entrepreneurs. It was as close to a “perfect partnership” as you could get.
Here’s what happened.
(Stop right here and imagine how many “gurus” would instantly write a post called, “How a single partnership generated 49,000 subscribers for our business.” We like to go much deeper.)
We dug into the analysis, going beyond the surface number. When all was said and done, only 165 of those people wound up staying on our list and reading our emails. Only 2 of them ever bought anything.
THEY SAY: “You should use [contests / JVs / giveaways] to grow your list. It’s way faster than anything else you’re doing.”
THE TRUTH: When you find something that works, double down … but be wary when something new seems too good to be true
- A $2,500 flight voucher
- $1,000 to spend as you travel
- MacBook Pro ($2,500)
- iPhone 6 ($850)
- Bose QuietComfort 20i Noise Cancelling headphones ($300)
- Minaal carry-on bag ($300)
- Kindle ($100)
- Field Notes notebook ($50)
- TOTAL VALUE: $7,600
THEY SAY: “Just set up a funnel and run FB ads to it. It’s a no-brainer. If I spend $100 on FB and convert 1%, I’ll make $125. Plus, John is killing it on FB.”
THE TRUTH: 99% of people advertising on Facebook are not profitable. And 80% of those don’t even know it.
We’ll just say this:
- There is a lot of hype around FB ads — primarily from people selling “Facebook ad” products.
- Yes, it’s possible to get a small number of buyers via FB ads.
- After that, “scaling” — or going from a few bucks to much more — becomes increasingly hard. Going to 2x isn’t just 2x as hard, it’s often 4x or 8x as hard.
- So many people think, “We ran a contest and got 40,000 subscribers” — without ever tracking those subscribers to profit. The same is true in FB ads, but even more complex: You have to be able to track conversions all the way through your funnel, through webinars or VSLs, through payment plans, through the refund period … all the way to profit. This is a considerable marketing & technology challenge. When one of my students told me she was having great results, I asked her, “Are you tracking it through to profit?” She stared at me. “No,” she said. When I asked why not, she said, “It’s too hard.” In short, she was guessing she was making money. Two months later, she realized she was losing money on Facebook.
That’s not a great way to build a business.
The conclusion: Facebook ads can work in certain cases. But most of the promises are overblown and often misleading. Don’t count on Facebook ads as your 1st — or even 5th — most important growth strategy.
THEY SAY: “You need a bigger list.”
THE TRUTH: You don’t just need traffic or subscribers …
Guys, there are a lot of powerful tactics you can do today to get more buyers:
- Analyze your existing buyers to find out which post they joined your list from. Optimize that post for more buyers and automatically send all new subscribers through your highest-converting funnel.
- On webinars, when you provide a link to join your program, consider making it really easy to join. We tested driving people straight to the buy-now box versus the top of the sales page. That gave us an increase in sales of 29%.
- Upsells can easily boost total revenue by 30%+. Test outside the box — not just in price point, but when you offer them and how you position them.
Once you focus on more buyers, you can eliminate tactics that sound too good to be true, leaving you just one or two strategies — just one or two! — to focus on. This generates high-quality buyers who love your products, and buy over, and over, and over.
Module #1
The Real Game of Traffic — and
How to Win It
What you’ll learn
- The three core channels that consistently deliver growth (and the others that don’t)
- My #1 growth strategy — it allows you to streamline your marketing while amplifying your results
- How to build your traffic strategy to fit your interests, skills, and business
- The biggest mistake wantrepreneurs make (that keeps them stuck as wantrepreneurs)
- How to quickly and easily share original thought leadership in your niche
- Need to create a powerful lead magnet? Use our fast, fun, 5-step process
Module #2
The Secret to Sustainable Traffic That Builds Over Time
What you’ll learn
- Our traffic dropped over 40% in Jan 2017. We’ll show you, step-step, exactly how we responded and rebounded
- How often you should be updating your content — and publishing new content (detailed recommendations)
- Don’t use Google Adwords Keyword Planner. It’s been picked clean. We’ll show you our new approach for finding valuable keywords
- The five locations in every post we add our keywords
Module #3
How to Build a Profitable Presence
With Video
What you’ll learn
- Our YouTube tech and hardware checklist (just the essentials you need to start)
- All the places your YouTube videos can appear — plus tactics to optimize each
- Tricks to get YouTube to give you topic ideas for your videos
- How to “spy” on your competition and uncover untapped video ideas
- Three proven systems for consistently generating high-quality videos (from hit YouTube channels)
Module #4
How Real Businesses Use Social Media to Attract Buyers
What you’ll learn
- Advanced social strategy — what to post, when and why
- Proven, profitable Instagram sales funnels
- Easy systems for planning your social media content
Specific, profitable
and actionable advice…
This program gives you the high-level frameworks and case studies, then digs into the “tell me exactly what to do” details you can use to apply these lessons to your business:
- Which traffic channels most successful businesses use — and why
- When to use “copycat” content to promote your business … and when not to
- How to use social media channels to make profit, not just collect followers
- How many lead magnets you should have (and detailed recommendations on how to use them)
- Advanced strategies on how to make a video people actually WANT to watch
- When to deep clean your site — and how to do it
- What NOT to do — costly and time-wasting mistakes to avoid as you grow your business
- And much, much more…
We built Endless Audience around sharing specific, profitable, and actionable advice.
Is Endless Audience right for you?
I’m extremely selective about who I allow into my programs.
As you can obviously see, I’d rather work with a small group of people who are committed to taking action, than a large group of wantrepreneurs looking for a magic bullet.
Please read this carefully, because these rules are ironclad.
Endless Audience is NOT for you if …
- You don’t have an online business yet. (Join Zero to Launch to start your business. Endless Audience will be here when you’re ready.)
- You’re looking for a magic bullet (a program that spits out a million-dollar check) without putting in the work that goes into building a great business that offers genuine value.
- You’re starting from scratch and want to make $250,000 by the time the course is over. Get-rich-quick schemers, please leave.
- You have credit card debt. Sorry, your first duty is to pay it off. You will not be allowed in until you do, and if I find out you joined with CC debt, I will ban you from ever purchasing any of my products again. This rule has cost me millions of dollars over the last couple of years, but it’s the right thing to do. I’m not interested in opening this course to everyone — just the right people.
Endless Audience IS for you if …
- You already have a business and are ready to grow it.
- You’re patient, deliberate, and methodical. You’re committed to spending the time to build a successful online business, and you know this will not happen overnight. You know that if you put in 5-10 hours a week and do the heavy lifting upfront, you can enjoy the rewards for years to come.
- You’re looking for a SYSTEM, not random tactics.
- You’re emotionally stable enough to weather the “ups and downs” of growing an online business.
And if you’re wondering about the difference between Zero to Launch and Endless Audience, I’ve broken it down for you below.
Take a second to read through. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, remember that you can talk to a member of my support team any time.
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- Easy fast One-Click download
- No wait times and DON’T need premium accounts
- The courses are up to date and will receive ALL the updates from the creators
1. After payment, you will instant receive a link from our PRIVATE server to download all the content from the course (videos, audios, docs, pdf, screenshots, etc.)
2. You only need to click on the link, and you will have access to an online folder with the content of the course. You can download the whole course as a zip file or you can choose a specific file to download.