Mastering Harmony (Volume 1) – Brett Manning & Claude McKnight
[4CD,1 DVD – Rip]
Singing Success’ teaching philosophy is three-fold: inform the mind, acclimate the ear, and coordinate the voice. Based on the vocal principles of Singing Success 360, Mastering Harmony focuses on acclimating the ear. After two decades of relationship and as much time in discussion, Brett Manning and Claude McKnight synthesize vocal simplicity with harmony basics.
Utilizing a collegiate understanding of intervals (spaces between notes), the singer learns to hear harmony based on seven numbers and also learns to master harmony based on twelve. The singer learns to hear notes within chords and to identify them quickly. Because one-third of singing is hearing, a singer must train in harmony and acquire fantastic pitch to develop the assets of a memorably melodic singer.
A singer almost must learn to sing harmonies and background vocals on their own projects as well as to learn proprietary tricks that increase the texture of the overall recorded track: a must for anyone seeking a professional vocal career and wanting to minimize weak links in their vocal knowledge and musical understanding.
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