Bekki Sayler – Homeschooling from the Inside Out- pdf
Course Curriculum
- Your pdf copy (updated August 2020)
- Kindle and Paperback versions available on Amazon
- {Simple text version}
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“Teaching our kids from the inside out is the adventure of a lifetime.
The moment we think, “I’ve got this,” the kids will fight over who gets to say goodnight to the puppy last and suddenly there’s an all out brawl.
Wait, that’s my house!
When life gets messy, kids fight more, my husband and I argue more, and life gets ugly.
Oh, I’d love to pretend that I’m perfect and that I always have that smiling face you see on Facebook in my videos and pictures.
But the Lord has called me to be real… as scary as that is. He has called me and my husband to homeschool within a sinner filled, broken, emotional family.
And we’re all in that boat.
Not one of us is perfect and has it all together.
- Some of us are fighting HUGE battles right now.
- Some of us have broken marriages, unclean environments, and prodigal kids.
- Some of us have a negative balance in the checkbook and empty cupboards.
- Some of us have sick and pain riddled bodies.
- Most of us are sleep-deprived.
- Many of us are trying to balance too many things all at the same time.
None of us can hold it all together all the time.
So we need to press in and pray.
In Homeschooling from the Inside Out, Rebekah Sayler describes what she called the holy trinity of homeschooling: heart, attitude, and character.
Founder of A Better Way to Homeschool, Rebekah knows first hand how focusing on character can make all the difference in the world when raising children. All five of her sons and countless reader’s children have been positively impacted by her Inside Out training. Rebekah details practical strategies to make parents more confident homeschoolers. Homeschooling form the Inside Out not only has the power to change a family—it has the power to change the world.
Get your copy today and learn:
To see the future
Perfection is your enemy
How to homeschool form the inside out
I observed my kids, now what?
How to homeschool form the inside out
Joining the terrible parent club
Breathe and Enjoy
What kind of homeschooler are you today?
Homeschool mindset
Master homeschool goals
Keep experts in your back pocket
Your Instructor
I’m a lover of Jesus, a blessed wife, and the happy homeschooling mom of FIVE amazing sons.
(It’s crazier than it sounds)
I don’t believe in “one-size fits all” homeschool. Honestly I don’t believe homeschool is for every family.
Different ways we’ve educated our five boys over 20 years:
- Public school
- co-op school
- Sharing curriculum with friends
- Online public school
- Charter School
- Design and create own curriculum
- Community college
I’ve been homeschooling for 20 years and mentoring homeschool moms for over 10 years now.
In my “spare” time I run A Better Way to Homeschool and enjoy reaching homeschool mamas on Facebook.
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