Barney Davey – How to Find & Connect with Art Buyers Workshop
The Artist’s Guide to Building Relationships with Patrons that Makes Selling Art Easy
Attention Visual Artists
Discover How to Find Patrons & Sell to Them Directly Make Selling Your Art Easy & Profitable!
How many sales are you losing because you don’t show your art often enough? How much would it help to have an active list of ideal buyers who are patrons or potential patrons? You can take back your career. To make your success skyrocket, you should learn how to identify and connect with people who have money and who meet your ideal buyer profile.
Direct patronage is all about building relationships with ideal buyer prospects. Some artists initially feel like it is not possible.They felt like it was too hard and elusive. But, when they learned useful techniques and began to know where to look, they found top prospects were all around them.
If you struggle to sell enough art to keep your inventory low, if you’ve tried using social media, direct mail, business networking, cold calling and personal coaches and you still aren’t selling your art fast enough, or at all; then you’ll be thrilled to discover this program. It’s unlike any you’ve ever seen. Read on to find out how it will boost your career.
You’re Not Alone… Finding Qualified Buyers Is Hard
You already know it is a challenge to make a living as an artist. That’s because getting your work seen by potential buyers is not easy. But, it doesn’t have to be so darn hard either. To sell your art, you must find top buyer prospects and then show them your work on a frequent basis. Make that your core marketing and you will create momentum and sales like you’ve never known.
Selling to Strangers Sucks
If you don’t like selling, join the club. Trying to make sales is torture for many people, and for lots of right-brained artists it’s even worse. And, knowing sales are necessary doesn’t make working on them any less stressful.
You’ll learn further down this page that I made a great living as a salesperson, but I would have died on the vine if my sales all came from strangers. I figured out how to build relationships. Then used them so I could be successful without having to confront strangers and ask for the business.
This course is like downloading the business brain of a very successful 30-year art marketing insider.
Fortunately, you have another way!
While there is no getting around if you want to make a career built around your art, you must learn how to get it sold, there is help. If you dread the thought of making sales you’re not alone. There are so many who artists have have felt the same way. That was until they found the How to Find & Connect with Art Buyers Workshop. They joined and quickly saw how it is a tremendous career-changing resource for them. That’s because they realized the workshop offers a solutions for how to make selling their art as easy as possible.
Scott’s Green Volkswagen Story
Scott is a an artist who does awesome photorealism. It’s incredible to see. He will tell you straight up he is shy. So, he was reluctant taking this course. But, he gave it a shot. To his surprise, he found he was able to start identifying and connecting with buyers and patrons.
Learning who was his ideal buyer persona was a major breakthrough. He likened it to deciding to buy a green VW. You know you never see any of them until you start looking to buy one. Then, all of a sudden they seem to be everywhere. It’s the same with your top buying prospects. They are there. You just can’t see them…yet.
What Makes You So Sure?
You have the right to know and should be skeptical when anyone makes claims about helping you in your business. My name is Barney Davey. I’ve been helping artists discover the best ways to get their work to market for 30 years. Art Business News magazine ranks my blog as the #1 art business blog. Published since 2005, it has more than 600 posts to help artists succeed at the business of art.
My six books on art marketing have all been bestsellers. Recently, I was thrilled to find four of them ranked in the top 16 spots on the Kindle “Business of Art” bestseller list at the same time. You can see a screenshot and learn more about me below. As one of my artist followers said to me the other day, “You know some stuff!” I’m not ashamed to say that’s right. What gives me the greatest pleasure is being able to share what I know in a way that helps artists.
Three Irrefutable Truths about How to Succeed in the Art Business
Here are three truths I know about how to succeed in the art business. This advice is neither theory nor speculation. It comes from decades of experience, common sense, and best business practices.
1. Straight Lines Get the Best, Fastest Results
A straight line is the shortest distance between two points. When you learn how to connect with qualified buyers and start communicating with them regularly, you create a shortcut to sales that maximizes your margins and minimizes the problems that often occur with galleries and other distribution methods where you have no control. Shortcuts to your buyers removes useless extra work. When you deal directly with them, you control the sales process and cut out middlemen from your profit stream.
2. Direct Patronage Is the Key to Your Success
Imagine making most of your sales to people who know you. Then take it a step further. Realize the people who know, like and trust you – and who love your art – are the ones most likely to buy multiple pieces and refer your art to others. These people can buy as much as half to two-thirds of all the originals you make. (Keep reading and you’ll learn how this is possible.)
3. Repeat Buyers and Referrals Are Golden
Repeat sales and referrals can make an enormous impact on your art sales and your career. They remove or drastically cut down your cost of customer acquisition. When you split sales with a gallery, publisher, or licensor, pay for social media or other advertising, send direct mail pieces, or invest in shows, you’re incurring costs to find and acquire buyers.
What They Don’t Tell You in Art School… or in Any Other Art Marketing Training
The smoothest most certain path to long-term success and career fulfillment is through building relationships with patrons and buyers. I get that at first such a concept sounds complicated, or maybe even a little scary. You wonder how can it be easier or better than making sales online. Perhaps you’re entertaining thoughts of having top notch galleries sell your work, or having a stellar art agent who handles everything for you.
The problem with those scenarios is the average online art sales are in the low hundred-dollar range. And, there aren’t enough galleries to go around. It’s nearly impossible to make a living strictly from gallery sales. And, finding a worthy art agent to rep for you is as mythical as getting found. It just doesn’t happen.
You cannot lose with this program because making connections with highly targeted, ideal buyer prospects is a winning strategy.
Please understand making connections and personal relationship in this context simply means getting people to know you, or at least know who you are. In some cases, it might go all the way to personal friendship. More likely, it will be a case of slight celebrity. That’s where your buyers and fans know you while you are not aware of each of them personally.
Art and artists are attractive because of the mystique and creative aspects of the business.
When your art clicks with someone, you make a connection with them. You don’t have to be there shaking hands when this happens. By using this system of becoming known to your top prospects, you will find they tend to feel as if they “know” you in the same way they “know” actors or musicians. When we like an artist in any media, we like to feel as if we’re part of their posse. So, this training it’s not about you knowing the names of every single buyer. It’s about them knowing your name and some fun, interesting facts about you, your art and your professional life.
Sharing Is Caring and Convincing
Choosing to share more personal aspects is up to you. I don’t need to know where you shop to be a fan. But, I would probably like to know about a recipe you love, or a place you like to vacation, or museums or artists that inspire you, or why the northern light in your studio is such a precious, special asset to you. Those are the kind of things make you real. They are the compelling, intriguing bits that pull people in. They add dimension to you as a person and an artist. Such minor details dripped out over time are just what you need to keep your posse opening your emails and buying your art.
Grow Your Own Is the Way to Go
When you create long-lasting relationships with your ideal buyer prospects, you give yourself the best odds of having a sustainable, profitable career. And, if you do it right, you can build those relationships fast. Galleries will close or break your heart in some other way. Social media can get expensive or lose its attraction. But, nothing will ever come between you and your list of patrons, buyers, and fans. It’s the only thing where you have complete control.
Here’s How You Will Use This Training
The training is broken into three how-to sections:
- Identify Ideal Buyers
- Build an Active Contact List
- Make Lasting Connections
Remember when we talked about how selling is hard above?
Well, when you get these three things in place, you will find your sales come as easy as they ever will. Selling is mostly hard when you are asking stone cold strangers to buy when they know nothing about you. And, you know just about the same about them.
When you pick your ideal buyers, you already know they are more inclined to buy art than some random person who doesn’t know you. That’s because with this training you learn where to look and then focus on finding your top prospects and getting connected to them.
Art Sales Happen When the Buyer Is Ready.
Sometimes, sales occur when the buyer has an impulse, but you can’t build a business on impulse sales. By having an ongoing relationship and open communication with your prospect pool, you are always giving yourself the best chance to make a sale when one is possible. So, instead of making awkward pitches at the wrong time, you let your system of finding new buyers and making frequent communications with them become your best salesperson.
Sure, you may occasionally need to answer questions or encourage an interested buyer to decide to buy, but that is simple when they have already come to you displaying attention, interest, and desire.
Five Things Many Artists Believe and Are Wrong… and Boy Does It Cost Them!
- You need a large list to make sales (Countless artists never try to build a list because they think it’s too hard)
- Only the most skillfully talented artists succeed (Talent needs ambition, organization & marketing to succeed)
- Gallery representation will sell all my work (They can’t do enough volume to support you)
- Marketing my art is expensive, confusing and time consuming (This is only true when you don’t have a workable plan)
- It’s hard to find buyers and make connections with them (Buyers are all around once you know where to look for them and how to connect with them)
As you go through the course, you will find each of those common myths busted. You will learn foolproof methods you can use to take control of your career and enjoy the success you desire. As your success grows, you will continually pull away from your contemporaries who stay stuck with their misconceptions.
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Selling Art Is Easiest When You Have the Right Relationships!
Learning how to identify your ideal buyers and get connected to them is not hard. In a few hours a week you can add hundreds of new prospects, or more, to your list annually. An invaluable feature about this program is you can train someone to do nearly all the work for you.
Since it doesn’t rely on trendy things like the latest social media, you stay calm and focused knowing your system of finding and connecting to buyers will work as well for you in years to come as it does today. This just may be the last marketing program you ever buy!
Check Out the Course Curriculum
You will find the content laid out in a sequential order that makes the learning easy. It’s one step at a time. I’m always looking for new ideas and tools to help you. They get added to the content and appropriate resource sections. Updates to the content are also published to the private Facebook group.
At the bottom of the curriculum, make sure to click the down arrow like the one you see in the image below. It will open up all you to view all the course lessons.
Course Curriculum
- About the Instructor
- Course Overview
- Before You Helpful Hints on Viewing Videos (1:14)
- Ideal Buyer Overview (18:32)
- The Trout Fishing Analogy
- Collectors versus Buyers
- The Importance of Pinpointing Your Avatar
- What Information Goes into Creating a Customer Avatar?
- Benefits of a Customer Avatar
- Personalize Your Avatar
- What about Multiple Avatars?
- Assignment
- Resources
- Creating an Empathy Map = Extra Credit
- How to Find Top Prospects and Unique Marketing Opportunities (3:08)
- Where to Look for Collectors — They Are Everywhere
- The How to Find Collectors Mind Map
- How to Use Your Mind Map (4:32)
- Assignment
- Resources (65:46)
- Profitably Tapping Your Local and Warm Markets
- Selling to People You Know or Who Know About You
- A Digression about the Visual Artists’ Advantage
- The Value of Being Bold and Taking Action
- Assignment Part One – Warm Marketing Worksheets
- Assignment Part Two – List Building
- Assignment Part Three – Effective, No Cost Marketing
- Resources
- Mastering Collector Hunting Techniques Is Your Killer App! (2:00)
- Customer Hunting — Getting Focus on Your Best Prospects
- Organize Your Time – Invest the Time – Building Your List of Top Prospects
- Customer Hunting – Finding Idea Buyers by Name
- Researching for Ideal Buyer Prospects from a Rural Area (34:44)
- Digging for Gold on the Site (5:34)
- Researching for Buyers on Google Plus and LinkedIn (12:11)
- Researching for Prospects in an Urban Area (41:57)
- Bonus: More Online Customer Hunting Techniques (15:34)
- Assignment
- Resources
- The Importance of Getting Known! (4:05)
- Top Ten Ways to Get Known and Connect with Your Ideal Buyers
- Let’s Talk about These Ten Ways to Connect with Ideal Buyers
- Influencer Marketing
- Creating Trust
- Assignment
- Resources
- Keeping in Touch – It’s the Key to Your Ongoing Success (14:49)
- Best Ways for How to Stay in Touch
- Assignment
- Resources
- Making the Most of Your Time
- Reviewing Your Career Goals Helps You Make Better Time Management Choices
- Follow the Lead of Giants in the Field of Productivity
- Brainstorming with Mind Mapping Is Very Effective
- How to Make Your Big Best Life with 90-day Goals
- 15 Ways How to Be a Productive, Awesome Artist
- How to Create an Easy-to-use, Powerful Contact Management System
- Introduction
- Links and Resources
- Get Your Free Bonus E-books Here
- How to Build Your Brand With Instagram Images
Your Instructor
Hi,I’m Barney Davey. If you are an artist, photographer, or work as an entrepreneur creative field, I can serve your efforts to create a prosperous career.
I launched a marketing and advertising business in my 20s and sold it to take a position as a senior account executive at a top trade magazine publishing and trade show exhibition company.
We served a variety of small business markets, including:
- Artists, Galleries, Publishers & Picture Framing Retailers
- Property & Casualty Insurance Agents
- Life & Health Insurance Agents
- Private Club Management & Operations
- Hospitality & Travel
- Interior Design & Decorative Accessories
The exposure into how small businesses succeeded in such a wide range of industries was a fantastic learning experience. I use the wisdom and insights I gained to help artists and other small business entrepreneurs create profitable marketing systems.
Since 1988, thousands of artists have sought my advice for new ways to boost their careers. They trust my books, blog posts, workshops, online training, and consulting to help them get ahead.
Get 30 years of experience.
I began advising artists in 1988 when I joined Decor magazine and the Decor Expo trade shows as a marketing executive. The shows and magazine were most influential in the retail art business in their time.
Before its demise due to the internet, for 135 years, Decor was in the business of helping artists, galleries, and picture framers. At its peak, the Decor Expo Atlanta Show was ranked in the top 100 among more than 10,000 annual tradeshows produced in the U.S.
As a result of my attendance at more than 200 art tradeshows, I got to know many of the industry’s most successful artists. Traveling to shows gave me a unique chance to observe their best marketing practices.
Experience pays off for my artist followers and me.
Now, I share my insights and experiences with thousands of artists. They use my knowledge and marketing savvy to find collectors, sell more art and operate a profitable business.
I am the author of six bestselling books on the business of art:
- Straight Advice: How to Market Art Online
- Guerrilla Marketing for Artists: How 100 Collectors Can Bulletproof Your Career
- How to Sell Art to Interior Designers
- The Zen of Selling Art
- How to Profit from the Art Print Market
- How to Price Digital Fine Art Prints
Five books in top ten shows my books’ impact and staying power.
These books have an ongoing impact in the marketplace. Here is a screenshot from the Amazon Kindle “Business of Art” best sellers list. It shows five of my books listed in the top 10 all at the same time.
That is an extremely rare feat I’m proud to share with you. I trust seeing these results gives you confidence in my information. Since several of the books are years old, I believe it demonstrates the evergreen quality of the practical advice I provide for artists.
My articles have been published in The Artist’s Magazine, Art World News, Art Business News, Professional Artist, Bottom Line Personal, and Picture Framing Magazine. My How to Profit from the Art Print Market book was featured in the North Light Book Club. It is the book club for F+W Media, the parent company of The Artist’s Magazine.
I have been featured in, written for or worked with these industry leading media companies, and more.
Artists Hone Their Art Marketing Skills with My Help.
Besides my books and blog, I have produced and delivered hundreds of live workshops and online webinars for artists on art marketing.
You can get a clear idea of the marketing insights and industry knowledge I share by visiting my Art Marketing News blog. You’ll find more than 600 art business and marketing posts. Among art business blogs, it is ranked #1 by Art Business News.
I was honored to be interviewed by Bottom Line Personal. With a a 750,000 circulation it is one of the largest peronal finance and lifestyle publications on the planet.
I’m telling you these things because I want you to have confidence and enthusiasm that my advice can help steer you to a better career. I’ve devoted most of my business activities and all my passion towards helping artists for nearly 30 years.
I know the work I’m doing to help artists now is the best I’ve done. It’s a happy marriage of passion, productivity, and purpose. My plans to offer more courses and relevant information for artists are just getting started and getting better all the time.
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