Abby Banks – Decluttering Made Simple
Physical clutter in our homes leads to more stress in our daily lives, not to mention a loss of time as we have to constantly clean, organize, or sort through that clutter to find things. Want to taking your house back? Then join us in this workshop as we simplify the decluttering process and make measurable progress in one area this week. This workshop is all about quick wins.
- 21 minute workshop
- PDF printable with action steps
Your Instructor
As a former classroom teacher, now homeschool mom of five, Abby loves to equip and encourage other homeschool families. You’ll find actionable strategies to take you from overwhelmed to confident in your homeschool adventure at and the Homeschool with Moxie podcast.
Course Curriculum
- Decluttering… here we go!
- Referral Bonus
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1. After payment, you will instant receive a link from our PRIVATE server to download all the content from the course (videos, audios, docs, pdf, screenshots, etc.)
2. You only need to click on the link, and you will have access to an online folder with the content of the course. You can download the whole course as a zip file or you can choose a specific file to download.